⛰ East Coast Land Art Festival... With the island, with the sea

If the "island" is a post station, let people stop; if you are frustrated in the mainland, go to the island and face the sea. Because there are seas and islands, they are actually connected together.

The East Coast Land Art Festival opened in June. This year, with the theme of "Island of Mountains, Ocean of Many Islands", six artists were invited to relax in Hualien Shitiping, Taitung Stone Umbrella, Hacao Bridge Recreation Area, and Zhuqiao Recreation Area. District and Green Island and other scenic spots for resident creation, and held eight moonlight sea concerts.

I participated in the "Song of the Island, Island Shadow Waves" (July 14th), and it was free. There are also two themed performances, "Yangdao Whispering, Multiple Island Music" (August 13-14) and "Island Heat Wave, Multiple Islands Music, and Multiple Islands Ocean" (September 10-12). Live at the end of summer and seize the opportunity!

Since 2015, this year is the 8th East Coast Land Art Festival. Apart from the expanse of ocean, the most impressive thing should be this year's publicity discussion on "The Ocean of Many Islands":

Pacific Islanders see their homeland not as scattered points in a vast ocean, but as a stopover in a " sea of islands " that they themselves use through new and old practices (travel, , trade and migration). "The Ocean of Islands" is an area connected from the outside to the inside, a discrete place that connects islands to each other and to the mainland based on daily practice. —James Clifford

⛰ Only the "island" can be carried with you

During the movement, it was found that many things were not taken away or carried on the body at one time, including all tangible and intangible things. Book selection is one category, which is heavy and takes up space. I don't know if the subconscious knew that I was going to live on another island, but I actually brought a certain issue of "Island" with me.

I haven't opened it for so long that I even forgot. It wasn't until I got to the east coast and saw the "Island of the Oceans" that I suddenly remembered it.

⛰ The duality of "island"

The Pacific island theorist Epeli Hau'ofa established the main cultural discourse on islands with the "ocean cycle history view", replacing "islands in a far sea" with the concept of "islands in a far sea". If so, looking at it in reverse, the "island" is the main body, not the edge of the continent. Therefore, Hong Kong writer Ye Si wrote in "Island and Continent": From here, you seem to be on a distant island in the new continent in the distance, but looking back at the grim projection of the inland, I am also an outlying island on the border. Continent and island, who is the master? Who is the guest? Not so clear anymore.

"On the one hand, the island is closed, but on the other hand, it is a shipping hub, so it is also a convenient place for communication. During the Tokugawa shogunate period, the country was closed for a long time, so it can maintain its uniqueness. After the Meiji Westernization, it can be seen that the island has no self and can quickly Absorb Western elements, not like an unshakable continental empire." - "Island"

A closed island? open island? Let's look at the pull between the pendulum of history and power.

⛰ Am I from one/many islands?

"In 1898, with the signing of the "Special Clause for the Expansion of Hong Kong's Boundary Site" and other lease terms, more than 200 outlying islands north of Boundary Street, south of Shenzhen River and nearby on the Kowloon Peninsula, together with the previously ceded Hong Kong Island, were all To become part of the United Kingdom... There are more than 200 outlying islands, big or small, famous or unknown, but in the end the only ones that can break through and make Hong Kong an international metropolis are Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula." - "The Island"

Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula, that is, the two sides of Victoria Harbour, are the image of Hong Kong that has been the backdrop of the glittering high-rise skyline for many years. Too many historical coincidences have broken through many islands.

⛰ The metaphor of "island"

"The island is a discrete image, an image of galloping. History and personal memorials overlap, as if another ghostly prison will emerge from the sea at any time." - "Island"

Stuart Hall, a sociologist from Jamaica, raised the concept of "diaspora" because of his thoughts on ethnic diaspora and cultural identity due to his nostalgia for Caribbean islands.

"The word Diaspora comes from the Greek root diasperien, dia means "crossing", and sperien means "spreading seeds", which means that a certain ethnic group finds in a different place that neither their hometown nor their new residence can settle down, but only a one-sided, imaginary connection situation, thus This leads to divergent consciousnesses on cultural belonging and political citizenship. They may develop new visions in different community spaces and time gaps, and various cultural disconnects, faults and shocks will also appear in the process. "—— "Keywords 200: A General Dictionary of Literary Criticism Studies"

It seems that the islands often catch people, as if they can avoid danger and escape from some kind of mainstream and domination of the Central Plains across the sea.

⛰ From one island to another

If the "island" is a post station, let people stop; if you are frustrated in the mainland, go to the island and face the sea.

Because there are seas and islands, they are actually connected together.



Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

在移動之間的P某https://www.instagram.com/someoneswandering/ 遊走港台兩地,讓自己化身為羊皮紙。 中途轉職的kidult,成為(不)自由的自由工作者。 相信迷路是探索城市的最好方法, 正如自我懷疑是找回自我的最佳道路。
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