unexpected surprise! "Editor's Choice" for the selected squares

There is no harm in writing good articles, and opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Yesterday [ Square ] gave me another surprise. The last article " Interesting Japanese Memes " was honored to be the "Editor's Choice" that was favored by the editor and appeared on the homepage!

Board the grid homepage/VOCUS

Although this is not the first time, but it is unexpected, why do you say this? Because this is just a topic that I don't want to write boring recently, I temporarily decided to come up with the material of the pictures that I usually accumulated, and it only took half a day to complete the short article.

You must know that " The Process of Japanese People's Transformation of Chinese Characters ", which was selected into the "Editor's Choice" on the homepage last time, is a long text that I have accumulated over 30 years of learning Japanese and spent countless hours deleting, editing, and correcting it.

Screenshot of the last selected homepage/VOCUS

However, to be recognized by professionals twice is a great honor for a person like me who has not liked to write essays since my student days and has poor writing skills.

In this way, I also want to encourage all students not to give up writing lightly, and strive to cultivate this ability. Even people who don't need this ability to make a living can do all kinds of other jobs through writing ability. Whether your future is to become a white-collar or blue-collar or even the most popular YouTuber, the essence of writing is to clearly convey the thoughts in your head to others for understanding. Even a professional who specializes in creating products needs to inform the world about your creative ideas. How to convey it is also one of the expressions of the essence of writing. Even YouTubers write speeches, and even improvisations usually have a draft outline.

Originally, I just wanted to express my happiness and it seems that it has turned into a sermon. Sure enough, older people always love lecturing 😅

... The reason why I love preaching, I don't know if it's because I missed it when I was young, and I always think about not letting other young people miss it. 🤣

In other words, the "Editor's Selection" of the square grid seems to appear in a rolling manner. On the surface, 12 articles appear at a time. In fact, after refreshing the page, other articles will appear.

Mail notification/VOCUS sent by square grid

PS. The article that appears in front of you now is actually the second draft that has been re-typed. The reason is that in order to solve the "synchronization problem" of Obsidian that I commonly use in different terminals, I recently found that someone provided a solution on [Zhihu]. I tried to draw a gourd according to the same pattern, and everything went smoothly. I was confused this morning and made a mistake in the opening sequence, and the result was a tragedy... The content that had already been typed was overwritten and disappeared in another world! !

2022/09/08 posted.


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元小科扎根日本的閒者,披露日本的不同面向,深入認識更真實的日本。 ( ^_^)/~~~ My blog https://motonojp.com/
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