The Pains of Liberal Democracy

The purpose of writing is not to talk about morality. Morality itself can be judged. Good or bad is determined by yourself. There is no right or wrong in the world. The problem is to find Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu's thought has no effect on politics, but has a rational understanding of individuals, society and the world. People should live with reason, not right and wrong. Love is life, but love only talks about right and wrong without talking about reason. Therefore, living people are talking about right and wrong.

In the era of ancient emperors and monarchs, we were in a patriarchal society. It can be said that it was a man's world. Until the slogans of fighting for freedom and democracy sounded, the world of men fell, and women emerged, represented by the Statue of Liberty holding a torch, symbolizing with the advent of a liberal democratic world.

The struggle for freedom is the eternal heart of human beings. Both men and women want to keep their own world, a world of freedom. The world has evolved into two major axes, the democratic world and the communist world. The imperial world no longer exists, and I realize that the unequal treatment in the imperial era is the result of mankind's struggle for freedom and equality. Feminist supremacy has a democratic society, and there is a communist society that maintains men. Both men and women are fighting for their own freedom. Women or men are better, the society cannot comment, it is their own choice, but they are in checks and balances. The relationship between roles, men treat with justice, provoking the pain caused by women, and treat labor pain in the same way. When men and women have a relationship, labor pain has caused many problems. The pain of freedom and democracy, where does the source of the problem come from? Democracy, in which the people are the masters of the past, has gradually become the masters of the rich under the free operation. Democracy has completely changed its tone. Money and power are tied together, forming the status quo of capitalism. Cause wealth inequality, the rich can change the status quo, the poor must not make mistakes, money determines the fate of people, everyone wants to change their fate, and they are cheated. Although it is not a fatal pain, but the pain is fatal, money is a life-saving painkiller. Those in power make good use of it and get the desired effect. The painkiller prescribed by the doctor does not really cure the condition, but makes the patient stop screaming pain. As a result, the condition has stabilized. It seems that money and power are more tied together. Those in power know the effectiveness of painkillers, and goodness is the only way to maintain control of power.

The evil forces of money are constantly expanding. A free and democratic society has gradually come to the end of the law. Money has covered the law. There are constant pains in all aspects. There are too many places of injustice and injustice. Fair treatment, but disguised as fair, a democratic society needs justice to adjudicate. A democratic society is only a labor pain. Painkillers solve the labor pain. I am afraid it is difficult to have a time of sobriety. If the will of God is like this, I am afraid it is difficult to have a reason. Money has the ability to control and is an evil force. Democracy where the rich are the masters, does democracy still exist? Will there be fairness and justice in a free society?

The male-dominated communist society has opened up a lot of foreign investment, and everyone can make money. Only then can we have today's prosperity. It is also with the support of capitalism. Today's democratic society is suffering. Communist society also treats it truthfully. Capitalism With the intervention of the communist society, the appearance of the communist society has changed, and a so-called autocratic society has been formed. It cannot escape the pain of labor. Similarly, when capital becomes rich, it also has to face the pain of freedom and democracy. The society of the future is no longer a confrontation between the democratic and autocratic camps, but the expression of individual strength.


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