Some insights from college

Some insights from college -- insights from everyday life.

1 Introduction

As we gradually grow up and enter the youthful and beautiful college years, this wonderful time is not like being a young migrant worker after graduation, running around for the next month's rent just to pay the next month's rent. , do not have to bear the same high mortgage and the same pressure as middle-aged people. We can spend the entire university time exploring our own direction and what our inner self is longing for. Is it to find a high-paying job after graduation to achieve financial freedom? Is it to pursue the life you like and yearn to realize your dreams? With such a variety of choices, university life is full of longing and yearning for the future, which is like a blank canvas with infinite possibilities. But how to make good use of this wonderful time is also very important. Colleges can develop some good habits and start planning their future career development, which is very important for the future, and gradually accumulate their own knowledge circle and barriers, so as to have Advantage. So next I will introduce some habits that will be better for the future to develop in college.

church near university
<gwsw id="gws-16259615569615425545992">Church near University</gwsw>
Cute little squirrel nearby
<gwsw id="gws-16259615923300514409023">Cute squirrel nearby</gwsw>

2. Reject excessive consumption and develop the habit of saving

In our impetuous age, the prevalence of materialism and consumerism makes young college students very eager to satisfy their vanity at some special moments, such as buying the latest mobile phone, YEEZY shoes, more expensive bags or jewelry. These consumption behaviors are actually non-essential consumption to a certain extent. In China, many college students are even willing to use Huabei or borrow loan software to consume in advance, and this online loan software will carry a certain amount of interest. Some students They will use one or more platforms to borrow money and then go to fill another hole, which is profitable, and in the end, only parents can pay for this bill and help children make up for this mess. And whether it’s in college or working in the future, it’s a very important habit to develop savings, because if it’s moonlight, not being able to save money will cause a lot of trouble in life. It is recommended that you sometimes read some articles on financial management. Books, puppy money, etc., develop a good habit of saving frequently before opening a business and slowly face many challenges in future life.

The income earned from financial management in college is a great encouragement to myself
<gwsw id="gws-16259616587266539771231">The income earned from financial management in college is a great encouragement to myself</gwsw>

3. Experience everything you can experience in college

There are actually a lot of interesting things to do in college life. We can open a public account or write our own opinions. We can try to make some videos from our own hobbies and then become an upmaster. In my spare time I volunteer to serve the public as a community volunteer. In college, everything begins to become more diverse, and the definition of excellence is quite different from that in high school. In high school, admission to college may be the first priority, but what is "excellent" in college life is actually It is defined by ourselves that it is excellent to be able to go to a large factory for an internship, to be able to pass the CFA-ACCA-FRM and other certificates is excellent, to pass the IELTS 7.0 to go to a top 100 university is to be excellent. There are almost limitless ways to enrich ourselves, and it all depends on how we define who we want to be in the future.

Bournemouth sunset
<gwsw id="gws-16259617780258813596625">Bournemouth sunset</gwsw>

4. No need to compare with others, we are our own heroes. (reduce anxiety)

In college, we sometimes still feel very anxious, maybe because of peer pressure, maybe because we sometimes fail to achieve our goals, and feel anxious, but I don’t think you should compare yourself with other classmates. , because each person's educational background, family situation, and family's educational concept will have a great impact on a person. Because students from better families may be more likely to obtain better educational resources and academic support, but students from poorer families will receive much less support in this regard. This is the problem caused by the inequality of educational resources. Some students Excellent family - excellent learning may not only be because of strong learning ability, but because the family background can provide better resources and guidance to make him develop better, while children from poor families do not have so much money to study, not because they are not enough fuel or Effort, but he went all the way from the elementary school in the countryside to the middle and high school in the county town to the university in the big city. Any small mistake or failure along the way may make this road extremely difficult. Moreover, the best educational resources in China are generally located in first- and second-tier cities, while the quality of education in primary schools in villages or county towns is much worse than those in big cities. This social phenomenon does require more investment and the intervention of administrative forces to be alleviated to a certain extent.


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Epictetus1.爱好人文社科和经管 2.斯多葛主义的初学者 3.ADHDer
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