national conditions


The most mysterious, abstract, and distinctive words in China should be the national conditions. Regardless of the size of the matter or the reasons, as long as the word is thrown out with a high-level vision, the world will be at peace in an instant, and it can also reflect the identity of the speaker, and the audience is half-hearted and seems to understand it, but it seems that they don’t understand anything. In the end, only I can blame myself for my lack of knowledge and a low level of thinking. The final conclusion is that the leadership cannot be blamed for a bad life. The national conditions can make great contributions every time.

"National conditions", there is a country in front of it, and the power of the country is also, this is not entirely the situation of the natural process of the people. It seems to cover both natural and socio-political levels, but the logic of nature has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and a special variety will not appear at any time or place. What resources, ethnic population, climate and even disasters, etc., these attributes and characteristics have always existed no matter what dynasty or generation, even farmers who have not read books probably know the natural logic. So natural things don't need to be explained much. When national conditions appear, it is mostly the second level of meaning.

In the natural state, farmers will plant whatever they want, and then take the fruit to a place where there are many people in exchange for other necessities of life. The state of the simple free market, no matter how good or bad it is, is the fate of the people themselves, and it is a matter of course that they should bear it by themselves.

One day, the police came and said that it is not allowed to grow corn, but only potatoes, because the emperor heard that potatoes are high in starch. Later, there was a lack of corn, and potatoes were the mainstay of food, which became the national conditions.

From the Zhou Li Confucian culture set by the rulers thousands of years ago, to the later habit of distributing land wealth and so on. Those in power have carefully or arbitrarily set the rules of the chessboard, and the national conditions are the result of the power game, and the endgame after the rules. If a certain word can be used to secretly transfer this result to nature and society, it will be easier for people to accept it and take it for granted. If you want to meet an emperor with a brain, even if you play, then the national conditions as a sequelae are likely to be optimistic, otherwise it may be a disaster.

In ancient times, women bound small feet and could not marry with big feet. This is a national condition. No matter whether this is an order from a later master of the Southern Tang Dynasty, it must be the preference of a person in power.

It seems that such a magical thing as national conditions has to accumulate for thousands of years. Civilization and culture take time to accumulate, but it does not take too long if the national conditions have the power to bless them. And it is precisely because of the traditional culture accumulated in China, mixed with the traditional wisdom of the Chinese people, that it can make the national conditions grow faster, and can also fall in love at first sight.

The Manchus entered the customs without leaving their hair, changed their appearance, and the business of shaving their heads followed the fire, and the national conditions could be achieved in a few years. More than 40 years ago, it was said that old man Kong was guilty, and if he had culture, he was reactionary. That night can subvert thousands of years of accumulation, which can also be called national conditions. For a long time, when foreign films described Chinese scenes, the Chinese always wore green military uniforms to take with red quotes. Now that we can get rid of poverty in an all-round way so quickly, and everyone is rich, that is even more the national condition.

In fact, this article is only written because it is too cold at home. You have to wear cotton pants and your hands are cold in the house. Not to mention 18 degrees, if there is 13 4 degrees, it will be enough to soothe our souls who rely on chicken soup. . As a person who likes to trace the source of logic, I can only write about the level that my life can bear, that is, the national conditions (because I have already made up the picture in my mind, and there are national conditions that are not hot or not). Although the temperature in the home used to be not high, it was still possible. And now the collective is unbearably cold, it seems that the current national conditions are not as good as before. As mentioned above, national conditions are the result of the rules of the game for those in power, and we have institutional advantages, and all power belongs to the people. From this, it can only be concluded that the people in this world cannot. If just talking about the cold and heat corresponds to the national conditions, this is too small, then use the cold and heat to piggyback something else.

In the old natural state, the cold winter is approaching, and people want to keep warm. They go to a place where there are many people to find a coal seller to buy one, two or three tons of coal. The charcoal sellers buy coal from the coal mine, and the coal miners also work hard to dig coal to earn an average profit, which is a primitive free market state. If the house is cold, except for technical problems, it means that there is less coal to buy, and you can't blame anyone. Later, the police came and said that you can’t heat yourself, that would pollute the environment. Your stove will be burned by someone specially, so you only need to pay. Burning stoves for everyone is a good business. Since it is a business, it is for making money. If you burn a piece of coal less, you will earn an extra piece of coal. In other words, what you burn for others is your own money. Support him to burn less coal for everyone. It is very difficult for others to do such a profitable business. The fashionable word is called monopoly. The original free market state no longer exists. In the end, everyone pays the money, and the fixed person burns the stove. It gets colder and colder, and the national conditions are there.

This is a unique national condition in the north, but similar parallel stories can be told a lot. Most of the northern cities are cities with heavy energy industry. If heavy industry is not done, the energy is sold, but the energy is sold but the temperature cannot be guaranteed. This is a sad thing. What I used to be proud of in the north is that although it is cold outside, it is hot inside. In the past, there were jokes on the Internet where people from the north ate ice cream shirtless in the house in winter, and people from the south shivered in the house. Two years, three years, in the era of free movement of people, it is normal for people who require quality of life to move out of such places (of course, this is only one of the logics), and there is no business or new business that no one has done before. Format, no one does it. In the end, heating may be the most profitable business in the local area, and the money collected comes from those who do not create value. The entire economic state can only be left with expendable enterprises and the so-called service sector supported by local finance. In the end, the entire economic cycle becomes dependent on receiving money to support the recipients and the recipients. At this time, if any high-tech profit-making enterprises really enter, various departments and surrounding areas will not regard such enterprises as treasures, but will only regard such enterprises as cash machines. Go down and take a look at the famous ghost towns in the northeast. There were brilliant and lively cities more than ten years ago, and what about now. Although there are many factors of decline, the logic of national conditions has never changed.

There is a big difference between cities in the north and south of China, and the difference in national conditions is even greater in addition to the national conditions. It seems that the national conditions in the south are more serious. Whoever made the decision to draw smart circles on the South Seashore, and now is the time to harvest the national conditions, and now the backbone of the big cities in the north may only be Beijing as a name. endorsement. Due to the radiation of those central circles, southern cities have diversified and developed commerce, relatively broad awareness of models, and a healthier environment. It is not only a development gap with northern cities, but it is growing and falling at the same time. The strategy I carried in the postgraduate entrance examination was to revitalize the old industrial base in the northeast, develop the west, and the southeast was the special economic zone and pilot window (the substantive things were given to the south, and the first two sentences were...), what is the reason for this? What fruit, now is the time for the national conditions to be confirmed. Just like when we had the opportunity to influence international rules to resist the US and aid Korea, we now have the national conditions of North and South Korea.

The big cities in the north still have a chance, but the small cities have entered a dead end and can only passively accept the baptism of natural evolution. Including accepting mergers and acquisitions and education from giants, such as community group buying, or collective pig raising by real estate bigwigs. At this time, the People's Daily began to name and criticize (all power belongs to the people, and the People's Daily has an extremely powerful power), on the grounds that they saw the monopoly that the giants' entry into the community might lead to in the future. The power of the People’s Daily is also based on the national conditions, and it also affects the future national conditions. Interestingly, they would rather meet the future possibilities than directly look at the existing monopoly, and their big eyes cannot see those telecom and medical energy sources, including My cold room.

At the same time, the anti-monopoly law has also come (hope it can really be anti-monopoly), the core meaning is not to sell too cheap, it really is to design rules for people's livelihood. These things render another picture. The police came and said, you can't do this, it will pollute the environment, you just need to...

They are willing to intervene in the development of commercial competition in the early stage, and when they are really monopolized, they choose to acquiesce or even... This is also another higher-level indescribable national condition of ours, and it is the national condition that we should face directly.

After talking so much, it expresses a simple logic. The national conditions are only the result, not the reason, in the face of decades of decision-making process. Aging is the result, low fertility is the result, technological weakness is the result, and urban shrinking is the result. Any reference to national conditions in any question is an attempt to disguise the cause of the problem. In the future, I can talk about things, present facts and reason and come up with plans, and I don’t want to hear these two words anymore.


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