Ghost Moon Let the Horse Come | Resort Hotel in the Mountains

The resort hotel that time was a new venue for the first cooperation. It was located in a relatively remote mountainous area, but the equipment was relatively new and the environment was good. The double room I lived alone had floor-to-ceiling windows...

I remember, my family told me when I was a child that my horoscope seems to be... heavy? At that time, watching those supernatural programs [seems to be very popular for a while? But my impression is not too deep, it seems that I was still young at that time], because a certain family likes to watch it, I often follow it curiously [a child who doesn't sleep at eleven or two, watching some supernatural show! ? ], I can't help it, I have been a curious baby since I was a child, so I usually scare myself. For a while, it was popular to play pen fairy on campus [why is this popular! ? ], I was often caught to make up the numbers. There were so many times when my classmates probably asked questions that shouldn’t have been asked, and my hands were bounced off! ! It is said that there will be numbness in the hand? But... my hand is still holding the pen well, and the pen will never move again, and I don't feel any strange external force at all, so I'm often... dubious, but I'd rather believe it when I hold it. Attitude, I always go on to finish the ceremony, which is to invite him back. I heard that I have to move the pen back to the original point and puncture the paper, or he won't go back? ! In short, around me, there really seems to be a supernatural event happening... Really? It's as close as ever...

Hotel for business trips

In other words, because I often travel on my own, people occasionally ask me if there has been any supernatural event when I travel alone and stay outside? I said, really not, I usually sleep better when I go out to play than at home. I often fall asleep when I lie down. It's not like I can feel at home and turn around for a long time.

The only time I was on a business trip was to hold a course, because the course at that time was quite special, and it was a course related to potential development. The requirements for the venue were special, and there was a need for a place to do some activities. In addition, because of the company's internal courses, the funds were limited. , Usually, it is impossible to find a big hotel in the city center. Therefore, it is often in a remote area. In the past, I often held classes in a leisure farm. The resort hotel was a new venue for the first cooperation, and the location was relatively It is a little bit mountainous, but the equipment is still new and the environment is good. The double room I live alone has floor-to-ceiling windows.

In fact, I slept pretty well on the first night, because I had to give a lecture the next day, and I was used to setting the alarm on my mobile phone. If the hotel's phone could also be set, I would also set it, which is the kind of voice alarm. Bell service, but fell asleep and fell asleep suddenly! ! ! All the lights in the room were turned on [I usually turn off the lights when I sleep], because the lights were suddenly too bright, I woke up, and now I want to say that the hotel's alarm is special! ? Is it with lights? After looking at the time, it was only after five o'clock, and the sky was still not bright, and it was not the time I set. I didn't know why, but I just said: "Damn! Don't make trouble, it's still very early!" Then, I I didn't turn off the lights, I just lay down and went back to sleep, um! Yes, I went back to sleep! !

It wasn't until my phone's alarm went off and I saw the fully lit room that I thought, it's like... a little... gross? How big can this nerve be? Also, when I eat breakfast in the morning...

Not afraid of death, I asked my colleague, "Do the lights in your room automatically turn on?"

My colleague asked me directly: "Do you need to change rooms?"

Uh! ! ...... Later I said, "No need, I'll treat it as a system short circuit!"

So I slept in the same room for another night.

And then... the next night...

Nothing happened until dawn! ! !

I would rather believe it is a real system short circuit! ! !

Also, maybe someone with a lot of nerves, even he finds it boring?

All right! I have to say I am still scared! ...I don't know what happened at that time, I was able to go back to sleep, but then...I never set the hotel's phone alarm again!

Does that mean... or Talara 's light that turns on and off is more terrifying [I'm sorry, just put a link on the Tag, and Bijing is also half a supernatural story? ]

●The cover photo was taken by me in Hungary and processed in black and white, not the hotel in the incident.

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貓咪旅行中〔Erica〕Hi!我是Erica 🐾我喜歡旅行、喜歡貓、喜歡拍照。這就是我 ,我是Erica,在這裡,我畫貓咪,寫貓咪與旅行、食記、心得分享.....🐾 🐾🐾(我有另外一個帳號:Erica,主要發貓特務報報、教學及驗證人相關文章 ...)🐾🐾
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酒鬼筆記〔三十二〕紅酒.Domaine d’Eugenie Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru 2014

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