Revolution of Our Times

​The white terror is most afraid of being upright. Under authority, we have no right to fear.

The first news I saw today was the finale of the Cannes Film Festival in France, the screening of Hong Kong director Zhou Guanwei's documentary "Revolution of Our Times" about the 2019 anti-amendment movement.

Stance News: Secretly Produced Documentary Against Extradition in Cannes Selected in Cannes

The movie trailer was simultaneously posted to youtube today and has been viewed more than 190,000 times that day.

Revolution of Our Times - Official Trailer Trailer for Revolution of Our Times
Revolution of Our Times - Official Trailer "Revolution of Our Times" Movie Poster

Today, everyone is in danger under the white terror created by the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law. Even many of the interviewees in the documentary are either in prison or in exile. However, the director still kept the four-character slogan as the title of the film, and insisted on revealing his name: "I don't want to speculate on where the red line is, otherwise there will be no freedom."

Haven't been able to see the movie yet, but the two minutes of the preview are already exciting and tear-jerking. I am grateful to the director for documenting what happened during the Summer of Freedom, just like the devoted journalists in Tiananmen Square 32 years ago. In the future, those in power can leave an understatement in history textbooks as usual: "In the summer of 2019, a political turmoil occurred in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, and a small group of people were instigated by foreign forces to launch an underworld action." However, this documentary, as well as many other images, books, songs and other artistic works, help us preserve this memory and the truth of history.

Milan Kundera said, "The struggle of mankind against power is the struggle of memory and forgetting." In dark times, the last struggle we can still do is to pass on memory and pass on the truth of history to the next generation. Live and remember everything here.

In an era when everyone is wise to protect themselves, there are always some stupid people who don't know how to follow the trend. They refuse to do self-censorship and insist on speaking up and speaking. The creator must have something to say in his heart, so he wants to make a voice and wants others to hear it, even people from other countries and the future.

Growing up within the walls, learned early on that silence is Kim's skill. Misfortune comes from the mouth, too many words must be lost, and only the promise is the proper attitude. As everyone knows, it is these silences and the repetition and blind obedience of political slogans and slogans that make totalitarian ideological rule work, so the victims of the totalitarian system are also the perpetrators. The only way to break through this cycle is to “live in the truth” (“to live in the truth”). (This view comes from Javier's "The Power of the Powerless", thanks to Uncle Salt).

Five Nights Lecture Room - Philosophy Poems 2020: Living in the Truth
Uncle Salt: A Guide to Totalitarian Living

Zhou Guanwei said that from his 19 years of sports, he felt the hope and courage emanating from many others. If fear was contagious, he hoped to spread the courage and hope he had received. People do not come out because they have the courage, but they have the courage to come out. This is exactly in line with the words on the "Revolution of the Times" poster: It is not the times that chose us, it is we who choose to change the times.

Zhou Guanwei: If fear can be contagious, I hope courage can also be contagious; the secret filming of "Revolution of the Times" premiered in Cannes, and the record is about to be distorted;

Those who refuse to lie also produce the best-looking works. Creation requires a soul, and belief cannot be taken away or broken. The vitality of an art work lies in the truth, and if it is mixed with a little fake it will appear artificial, especially pretentious, there is no way. I don't know if this is the reason. Tyranny and totalitarian regimes like to burn books and persecute scholars. What China still says about cultural self-confidence and culture going out is destined to be empty talk. What kind of culture can a regime that is afraid of the people telling the truth?

Last but not least, Lord Xi encourages us, how can the darkness in this world always triumph over the light? As long as you keep your own light, fireflies can also light up the world - you and I will become fireflies. "There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up."

Sonically Speaking (One Hour Edition): Lin Xi: Letting Go and Perseverance

Fire EX. X Lin Xi- City of Sadness Lyric Video


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牆外途中那些細節 沒有太多的記載。 讓我們做一隻小小的螢火蟲,在黑暗中照亮彼此。 #你我要化做螢火蟲 #為眾人抱薪者不可使其凍斃於風雪 #他們想埋葬我們卻不知道我們是種子 #但願我們有足夠的勇氣和智慧繼續做一點事
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