🔥 "Burning Philosophy" knowledge payment plan is open, with a limited 3-day discount!

Learn together, and then I'm going to make money (no logic XDDDD).

Hello everyone, I'm "Zhi Shihua"! I have something very important to say today, so let's get straight to the point!

🔥 I opened a philosophical furnace, a furnace that burns life!

That's right, I opened a special topic, and on the writing platform Matters, it was called "Around the Furnace". So what kind of fireplace is this? Quite simply, this is a perimeter about philosophy and psychology. All my creative content will contain one of these two to some extent, and create around these two major themes.

Philosophy and psychology are the main points of this content around the furnace , but there are actually two other themes "metaphysics and occultism" , which I am personally very interested in, but I don't know very well, so the positioning is "sub-theme". " .

And what form does the content take? As long as it revolves around the two major themes of philosophy and psychology, as well as the two sub-themes of metaphysics and occultism, any form of creation is possible . As long as the perimeter continues to "burn", there will be more and more creations.

Image source: drawn by Zhi Shihua himself, all rights reserved.

So what is the core purpose of this perimeter? Just like its name, "Burning Philosophy" can be regarded as a dish , and I will bring it out at a fixed time every week to "round the fire" with everyone; it can also represent "Burning Philosophy", which means to let This thing burns up, symbolizing hard work to learn this thing ; at the same time, it can also refer to "life", just like "burning" life, moving towards your ideal life . Remarks, the "philosophy" here is just a symbolic combination of one of the four themes that I think is the core discipline, not just philosophy.

The core purpose of the perimeter is to simplify the complex and explain the knowledge of the four major themes of philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, and occultism , and share with you my own ideas. At the same time, I also hope to combine theory with practice, so that this knowledge can be "lived" and "burned", so as to make practical help and changes for everyone's life.

Seriously speaking, maybe you can call it something like "self-practice in life" , and if you want to call it "chicken soup for the soul," I can only say that if you have to study a lot of people Hundreds and thousands of years of discipline, directly turned into a casual feeling, then I can't say anything . Has the word chicken soup for the soul become a negative word, because in most cases it is just the feeling of the person concerned about something, and then some people will use their own experience to think that it is very useful to talk to others, So why do I have to pay more than 1500 yuan for the consultation fee? Why are you still going to the doctor?

In short, maybe you can really say that it is a "self-practice" perimeter. Certain article categories can indeed be targeted this way.

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/747964/

🙋 Join this fireplace, what can you learn?

So what kind of knowledge can I learn by joining this perimeter?

To put it simply, as described above, the content of the kiln will revolve around the four themes of philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, and mysticism . I may explain relevant books, movies, and music; or explain a theory, concept, or knowledge so that everyone can understand it better; or I may introduce a famous person; I may also explain a piece of history. Of course, I will also include my own ideas, and combine the two to become the content of an article.

It is worth noting that I am not just "sharing knowledge", what I expect is the parallelism of theory and implementation, both of which must be taken care of, both are indispensable. Therefore, in addition to sharing knowledge, I also hope to provide more practical methods, which can be applied in life while learning , and think about these issues for a long time, so that it can accompany you throughout your life. It's a pity that I can't really take care of everyone in real life. At most, I just ask questions and discuss together in the fireplace. It is difficult to have a tailor-made method for everyone. Please forgive me!

Continuing from the above, if you have any questions, there is a "community chat" function inside the furnace, just like its name, as long as you have related questions, you are welcome to ask questions on it, everyone in the furnace can discuss with each other, and I I'll do my best to answer you, or post my own thoughts.

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/747964/

And I will publish 1 or 2 articles per week , not on a specific topic. For every eight articles published, there will be a review article on the kiln , which not only helps me sort out the status of the kiln management, but also shows my efforts to readers, and organizes all the information of the month for everyone.

If an article is very roughly 5 to 10 minutes to read, and the number of articles per week is calculated as two articles, plus the time to discuss the problem in the fireplace, then it only takes 20 to 30 minutes per week. In time, you can learn all kinds of knowledge of psychology, philosophy, metaphysics, and occultism, and it is very likely that you can actually apply it in your life and make practical changes. Of course, change is not easy, and if you can change instantly in 20 to 30 minutes, there are not so many problems in the world. Maybe all I can do is to help people find the cause of the problem and see how to change it, then finding the best way will make it a lot easier to work on . So if you read it for a long time and nothing has changed, it means that you have not continued to work hard, or these methods are not suitable for you.

The above is the knowledge you can learn by joining this fireplace, as well as the help and changes that may be brought to you, I hope you will like it!

🤔 Who am I and why should I start the furnace?

Okay with all that said, I want to talk a little bit about who I am and why I want to open the fire. What is it that drives me, even if there is a full-time job to death, and only one person has to start the furnace?

Let’s talk about who I am first. In fact, I have been on the writing platform Matters for a long time. Until now, I have not disclosed my real identity at all, or answered the question of “Who am I?”. . My personal self-introduction is very simple. I am a "learner", and I just have to express what I have learned through writing. If I really want to say it, I am just a person who is very enthusiastic about learning anything. I am not an authority on philosophy and psychology, but I am just a person who loves philosophy and psychology.

The following is my Linktree , which basically has all the information about the places I will haunt, but it is still under research. There are no posts in many places, and it will change at any time, but you are still welcome to follow.

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/2781195/

So why would I want to turn it on? Without cutting corners, there are three reasons: learning, making money, and helping others . For me, learning is a very important thing, but it is often not that simple, so I rely on writing to help me learn; and I just want to make some money, I don't need to go anywhere, Occasionally some small money is good; it is also very good that I have physical and mental problems myself, so I can empathize with the feeling of being sick, so I try to rely on this knowledge to help others. These three things are the three cores that I want to start.

The above three things can just be achieved through "writing", and these three things are actually not contradictory at all, and they can even help each other, which can become a virtuous circle. how to say? To put it simply, I found three things that I really want to do. Even if I encounter difficulties in one thing, but because I still really want to accomplish that thing, I can restrain myself through the other two things, and tell myself that I can do it. Stick to it.

Further reading: " Every time I publish an article is a disaster, redefining my "author ".

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Community management around the fireplace, as well as various fun activities!

I have already introduced most of the content of this perimeter, but don't you all wonder why it's not just called "topic", but also called "periphery"? The answer is very simple, because this is a community that depends on authors, readers, and platforms to survive. Introducing the concept of surrounding the furnace, isn't it like everyone is a furnace, and they are discussing with each other enthusiastically?

Therefore, in this fireplace, although I am the main planner and the author, the role of the reader is also very important . Matters has two functions for the perimeter function of the platform, namely "broadcast" and "public chat". The broadcast function can only be used by the author and me to publish various information about the kiln. Then we will talk about the very interesting "Chat" function. As long as paying readers, they can participate in various discussions with everyone in the furnace and ask various questions . But he has one of the biggest problems, that is, he will not notify anyone when chatting, which is a super troublesome function. This part has yet to be modified by Matters official.

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/711009/

Next, I want to explain one of the differences between this kiln and most of the kilns on the Matters platform, which is that this kiln will have an exclusive NFT medal system! Please don't see NFT and want to say if I want to "cut leeks", I can only say "yes" or "no" (laughs), but please listen to me.

One of the features of the perimeter is that I used the NFT tool to create a product similar to tickets, coupons, and vouchers . And each NFT has the function of each NFT, and the way to obtain it is also different. As long as you own that NFT, you can use the corresponding functions, and the way to obtain it basically does not require any funds . By the way, it doesn't matter if you don't understand and don't want to play, it won't affect your other rights in the furnace at all.

In addition to the above items, there are also some activities in the perimeter, and everyone is welcome to play. At present, the main plans are: writing activities on the theme of the fireplace, book drawing activities, reading clubs, divination...

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/4790590/

You heard right, there may be "divination". Most of these activities will have some connection to NFTs, but basically no NFTs at all. Because the perimeter is currently in the beginning stage, I am sorry that it is still in the preparations, and new activities and products will be launched one by one, so stay tuned.

In the end I have to say, you join this perimeter and we won't be a "big family"! In this fireplace, we are not a big family, and we will not have any very close feelings. Why talk about this? Because some people seem to think that the "big family" seems great, or that I must have a good relationship with everyone?

The answer is "no". What I'm looking for is a partnership , and I hope everyone here can learn, discuss, and play together, but nothing has to become a very intimate relationship. We are based on different purposes such as learning, playing, and supporting each other. So in this perimeter together, all we need to do is to respect and cooperate with each other . I don't like the feeling of being too "small circle". You can go whenever you want, and you can go to other places at any time, of course, if you want to go (laughs). Therefore, a major purpose of this community is that everyone has a way to achieve their own goals .

And one of my goals is to get you guys to pay for it, because I want to make money, so join me (laughs).

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/3184418/

🎉 Open the furnace and give it a shot, with a limited-time discount on the furnace plan!

Finally, at the end of the article, because of the experience of opening the furnace, I was worried that everyone would not know whether to join or not, and no one joined the furnace. Therefore, I decided to have a big show. The original price of the perimeter was HK$36 per month, but at this time, as long as you use the support button at the end of the article to support me with any amount, you can enjoy the qualification for a free experience for one month. . From the event period to the end of March 16 (Taiwan time) , I will find a time to invite everyone to join the furnace.

It doesn't matter how much money you want to support, even if you only support 1 yuan, as long as you don't feel embarrassed and don't worry about being silently rolled your eyes in my heart (laughs).

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/3184418/

Basically, the perimeter has been officially opened, although many things are still in the testing stage, because I have no experience in running a topic or community, so there are still many things I don’t understand. In the future, interesting activities will be launched one after another for everyone to have a good time. Of course, the most important two articles per week will also be adhered to. You are also welcome to use "Chat" to discuss topics.

This article focuses on the introduction of the perimeter. If you don't understand the operation, please read " Burning Philosophy" to join the topic and reward the manual! , of course, you are welcome to ask me any questions.

The first article will be published this Wednesday, so stay tuned.

(Special thanks @si Kaor, @JohnShao, @Sprinkling Salt on Polkadot, @Macao Xue No.16 ( I'm sorry for not mentioning it), although it may not be of direct help, it is still Thank you very much, you have helped me a lot in terms of appearance, operation, products, mentality, etc. If you are interested, let me know, I can directly invite you for a month.)

"Burning Philosophy" Signature File

🔥 If you like the article, you can help me clap your hands, or join the "Burning Philosophy" to burn life around the fireplace.

📢 I'm still appearing in various places , go find my traces and follow me!

🤑 Paying for the promotion of knowledge is the biggest encouragement, because I love money (laughs).


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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炙式化一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:https://linktr.ee/Zioh
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