repair your heart


Because of Mother's Day,
I came home specially,
Unexpectedly, it made my heart chaotic again,
Although he escaped within a few days,
It still took me almost a month,
The emotion that had been suffocating in my heart for a long time was gradually melted away.
This is also the main reason why I haven't posted for so long, cough!

During this period,
I'm thinking too,
Is my heart also sick?
Should I consult?
Otherwise, why can't you get out of the depressed mood? ?
Still thinking of a solution,
The outbreak, which was originally under control, suddenly broke out.
Under the premise of not going out,
I started looking for other ways,
See if you can digest those emotions,
Find the peace of the past.

"Find Someone to Cry North"
I believe,
Proper crying will definitely help your physical and mental health,
But be sure to find the right person!
The wrong person will only make his mood even lower.

Some people have good intentions,
gave many suggestions,
Some people even criticize the client for what he did not do well.
Such results will be produced and so on.

As far as the parties concerned,
In fact, it is clear that
Just in the present moment, it is absolutely inaudible.
At this moment, I just want to accompany me,
Just want to be comforted.

During the conversation,
I don't want to hear "what should you do" at all,
Or "what should you think"...etc.
When I choose to confess the most vulnerable piece of my heart,
If you are criticized or criticized for this,
I will only be more sad, more helpless, more hurt.
At this moment, I am bruised and bruised,
Please stop hurting me with those cold words, okay?

Therefore, do remember,
Before crying north,
Please remember to find someone who really understands your situation,
Or the one who will cry with you,
When you scold and scold,
The heart will also become relaxed,
And the originally confused thoughts,
It will gradually become clear in the process of crying,
Naturally you will also find the long-sought answer.

"Cry Well"

Sometimes, I can't cry right now,
It doesn't mean you're fine,
This month, I specially selected some dramas that make me cry,
Throw yourself into the role ruthlessly,
Cry hard!
As the ending comes,
You'll find out that life isn't that bad.
By means of substitution,
It is also a very effective way of self-healing.

"Treat yourself better"
If you can't lift it up,
or lost the strength to stand up,
Better be kind to yourself first!

I will buy some snacks that I like,
With your favorite latte,
Eat whatever you want,
do whatever you want,
Even if you just want to stay at home and play crap, that's fine!

Take care of yourself during this time!
The mood will gradually improve!
Don't feel guilty about it,
Don't blame yourself for being too depraved,
After you recover,
Just adjust it back.

"Write Your Emotions"
write emotions,
It's actually a very healing way.
Especially when you are at a different point in time,
not only become objective,
At the same time, it is possible to discover answers that were not previously understood.
It's been a long time, I've seen more,
The mood will also be different.

Since last year,
I try to convert those five-year electronic diaries that are mainly one week,
Changed to the same day as the main,
As such,
You can see what happened on the same day for five years at the same time.

During the consolidation process,
I suddenly discovered,
The conflicts that make me feel so tangled,
It's not a coincidence,
Instead, it happens repeatedly on certain days.
I just don't remember at all.

Watching these loops go on and on,
the same cause,
the same conflict,
Also, the same result,

I guess, only by adjusting the way I have been doing,
Only then can we change that predetermined ending!
After seeing what those events have in common,
I know I shouldn't force it,
There is no need to have the obsession or expectation that the family must be happy.

Everyone's position is different,
made different choices,
I also need to learn to understand and respect,
Don't feel disappointed or helpless about other people's choices,
And try not to take responsibility for those results.

These are the methods I use to help myself from time to time,
If someone is in a time of sadness,
You might as well try to find a way that suits you.
Maybe you can return to a state of physical and mental peace as soon as possible!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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