333. The Pomodoro Technique Can Make You Happy

It is impossible for anyone to work efficiently all the time. If someone really does this, he will eventually screw himself up 10 hours can be planned, you can take 6.18 hours to work and 3.82 hours to enjoyment. If you are hedonic oriented, you can also reverse it, depending on what kind of life you want

No one can be productive all the time, and if someone does, eventually he's going to screw himself up

Everyone's ability and efficiency have an upper limit, please make good use of the Pomodoro Technique (Golden Ratio)

Assuming you have 10 hours to plan, you can spend 6.18 hours for work and 3.82 hours for pleasure

If you are hedonistic, you can do it the other way around, depending on what kind of life you want

There is no absolute right or wrong, as long as you are happy, a short charge will make you more motivated to move forward

Don't let yourself be controlled by dopamine (brain), you have to learn to control your behavior

why would you say so?

Because some of the happiness we think is based on self-knowledge, you are actually addicted and not really relaxing

Many leisure behaviors may be addictive (mobile games/chasing dramas), and even occupy their own sleep time

Don't sacrifice your sleep time for fun (work), it will plummet your productivity


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