The most naughty stories

That mischievous act almost cost him his life. . .

When it comes to naughty things, my most profound experience is the story that almost killed people.

I lived in the countryside for a short time when I was a child. There is a pond in the village, half a pond of lotus pods are planted, some fish are raised, and some duckweeds are floating.

Next to the pond is a small open space, where children in the village usually meet when they play together.

A girl ran over to the open space. Because she ran so fast, one of her slippers "flyed" to the open space first.

A bad boy sees the girl's slippers and kicks it away quickly. Another child saw it and kicked the slipper to the other side, and another child kicked it away before the girl ran to pick it up.

The slippers were kicked around among the children and I tried to get them back with the girls, but to no avail. The shoe "flyed" back to the bad boy's feet, and the corner of his mouth twitched, as if he had a bad idea. . . Sure enough, he kicked the shoe so hard that it "flyed" into the pond and floated on the water.

Slippers floating in the pond~ Only the edge of the slipper, highlighting the image and painting is the level of elementary school students, everyone will laugh

Seeing this, the girl burst into tears. . . I found a long branch and leaned over to try to salvage the slipper, but I couldn't reach it. The girl picked up the branch and lay on the edge of the pond, salvaging shoes while crying. But the branch didn't catch the shoe, and pushed the shoe away instead.

The girl also moved her body forward, and suddenly her other hand was empty, and the person and the branches fell into the pond. She shouted for help, and the other children also screamed in panic.

Thankfully there was an adult nearby, he ran over, jumped into the pond, and rescued the girl.

After a few weeks, the pond was rudimentary fenced.

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