The sky under the epidemic | Reconcile with the earth!

Stories under the epidemic

The epidemic has forced us to let go. Learn to live slowly.

Changes during the pandemic

I'm learning to live a little more

Pay more attention to the nutrition and health of ingredients, develop the habit of eating breakfast every day, and drink more water, not only when you are thirsty. No matter how lazy you are, you should exercise occasionally. The length of exercise time is not fixed, but you will force yourself to exercise. Always be nice to yourself, like complimenting and rewarding yourself. I prefer to spend time with myself, come back often to be with myself, it is actually very comfortable to be with myself. (Being alone doesn't necessarily make you lonely.)

Sometimes I feel like I'm busy, time has passed, but it seems that I haven't completed a few things. It turned out that I spent too much time on this one less important thing. It turned out that this matter was so important that I kept it on hold. Lately I'll be writing things down, not just thinking about them in my head, but writing things down will give me a clearer idea of the priorities.

I learned to invest more in myself

Invest in your own brain

Li Ka-shing said that there is one kind of money that you must be willing to spend, and the more you spend, the more money you have, that is to invest in yourself.

Cai Kangyong said that he has heard that many people who are busy recording do not have the habit of reading. He feels that it is a pity, because he spends some time to read books every day, and he can absorb the life essence of the great people all over the world at home by only spending a small amount of money to buy books.

Find out more and more like reading. Especially reading before going to bed, I don't know if you will feel particularly peaceful. Quietly, only books and myself.

Make investments and let your future self live a selective life

Greater emphasis on investment and passive income sources. One of Buffett's classic quotes is, "If you can't make money while you sleep, you'll work until you die."

I would like to recommend a book to everyone. The title of the book is: Talmud . It is a Jewish bible to get rich.

You must have heard the names of these elites: Einstein, Picasso, Warner Bros., Goldman Sachs, Buffett, Zuckerberg, Soros, etc. They are all Jews who only account for 0.3% of the world.

Some of the concepts in this book are very similar to Rich Dad Poor Dad . Many people do not invest because they think investing is risky, so what we need to learn is how to take risks. It should be said that there is nothing without risk. For example, putting money in fixed deposit, which seems safe, actually has the risk of inflation.

Many parents give their children pocket money, but they don't tell them how to manage the money. From my experience as a student, if you get money on Monday, you will spend it all this week and wait for the next Monday to ask for pocket money. . Without the knowledge of managing money, the money spent is dead money, because the money is gone when it is spent. This is poor thinking. Doing a good job in money management planning is actually learning to take risks, in order to have extra money to enjoy life in the future, that is, a steady stream of living money and cash flow. This is the thinking of the rich.

Understanding under the epidemic

Now that I have more free time at home, I said to myself, try to get up early, exercise and meditate in your life list.

However, sometimes habits are hard to change. I found that there was no consistent action.

"I don't have time!" is a phrase that many people often say in their busy recording lives. "I don't have time to do that when I get home from get off work every day..."

During the epidemic, time suddenly changed. but…

When there is real time, there are other excuses for procrastinating to complete the items on the daily list.

There are so many temptations in life, how do successful people do it 😂

So, I realized that what I lack is not time, but self-discipline.

The average person and the successful person have 24 hours a day. I think successful people can be so successful because they have strong self-control, and they can persevere in one or more things year after year. The charm of this self-discipline Make me very respectful.

Self-control is the ability to control emotions and desires. During this year, I have been in charge of self-management. It sometimes advances slowly, sometimes stops and retreats, and is still in a very ordinary person's self-management class. But I believe that self-control can be exercised, and the self-expectation for the future can move towards the unique and charming realm of continuous growth.

Reflections during the pandemic

What I want to say is in this article: the scenery is everywhere, what you lack may just be the heart to appreciate the scenery.

Quotations sharing under the epidemic

"In the new year, instead of thinking of new wishes, it is better to take a small new step for old wishes." - Writer Tsai Kang-yong

"Be kind to yourself, that's the one who will be with you the longest" - Writer Tsai Kang-yong

"The kindness and beauty of human beings are best reflected in difficult times and difficult times." - singer Jacky Cheung

"Hope and love have never left, the sun will dispel the haze, don't be afraid of being alone, home is always there." - Singer Cai Xukun's new song "HOME"

Turning over the last page of the calendar, we are about to bid farewell to 2020 under the epidemic.

Thanks for reading.


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