[K song] Collective memory - the most resonant hit song for gays from the 90s to the millennium

In this era of separation, it is indeed necessary to warm up around the fireplace, especially since the immigration wave will bring people away from each other, loneliness is inevitable, and listening to music is low-cost entertainment, if the singer can sing the audience's The mood can still bring some comfort. Looking back at the history of the Guangdong music scene, songs with gay connotations only gradually increased in the late 1990s. However, there were not many singers who came out of the closet at that time, let alone large organizations. And fit. In the past two decades, what songs can resonate with all comrades? This time, the author divides the songs into four categories to send some collective memories for readers.
Graphics: Beth

Information collation and writing: Jeffrey
Text Editor: Winnie
Website Editor: EQ

[K Song] In this discrete era, it is indeed necessary to warm up around the fireplace, especially since the immigration wave has shortened the distance between people, loneliness is inevitable, and listening to music is low-cost entertainment. If singers can Singing the mood of the audience can still bring some comfort. Looking back on the history of the Guangdong music scene, songs with gay connotations only gradually increased in the late 1990s. However, there were not many singers who came out of the closet at that time, let alone large organizations. And fit. In the past two decades, what songs can resonate with all comrades? This time, the author divides the songs into four categories, and sends some collective memories for readers.


Joey Yung "Yellow Door"

"Let that rainbow bridge stretch infinitely"

In 2006, Joey Yung released the song "Yellow Gate", which was composed and produced by Wang Shuangjun, and written by Huang Weiwen. This song describes a strange and colorful fantasy world in a girl's heart. Although the lyrics do not directly mention gay love, and even a "favorite boy" appears, it still mentions the two genders of "rainbow" and "wardrobe". Common symbols in the world. In addition, the lyrics and the next song introduced each other, which made many people have infinite reverie back then.

He Yunshi "Red Roof"

"Let that snail parade swim into the closet"

In 2007, more than half a year after the release of "Yellow Gate", Ho Yunshi found the original team, Wang Shuangjun and Huang Weiwen, to write the song "Red Roof". In the lyrics, in addition to the more obvious symbols "parade", "cabinet" and "rainbow" in the sex/different niche world, there is also a sentence "please sleep / don't disturb / rain by the window", in response to Daming's "Forbidden Colors" "The rain by the window / Desperately disturbing sleep", and "The Alliance of Light" is reminiscent of another song by Ho's "Illuminati", and both songs have special meanings in the minds of sexual / gender minors. In addition, the word "Ran Na" in the chorus of "Red Roof" has the same melody as "Ran Na" in "Yellow Gate", echoing each other, highlighting the connection between the two songs, and expanding the audience's imagination.

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at17 "His and Her Affair"

"What if you meet her soon after falling in love with him?"

When it comes to youthful comradeship, the representative is of course at17, who debuted in 2002. When the two released the song "A Matter of Him and Her", the lyricist Guo Qihua skillfully used the homophonic feature of "he" and "she". If you are a loyal fan of the commercial radio station 903 like the author, you may not have cared about this song when you heard it on the radio. It was not until you read the lyrics that you realized that it turned out to be a story about a girl's confusion about her sexual orientation. In addition, there is also the word "big hot" in the lyrics, which is the song title of gay idol Leslie Cheung, which embellishes this gay youth sketch.

at17 "Woman pretending to be a boy"

"It's fun to pretend to be a boy and have no fibrous kisses, isn't it?"

In 2003, at17 released the song "Women Pretending to be Boys". The title of the song is only one word different from "Girls' School Boys" by another girl group Twins, but it brings out another kind of girlish feeling. The lyrics are about two classmates who are in love with one another, and the male classmate in the adjacent class has a crush on one of them, so the other volunteered to be a good sister to "practice" kissing the boy to avoid feeling nervous when dating, but in fact, the sister also had a crush on her. The lyrics carefully describe the scene of two girls kissing, showing the ambiguous feelings between the girls. Coincidentally, this kind of "practice" reappeared more than ten years later in the Korean movie "The Seduction of a Woman", the difference is that the latter is more daring, readers may wish to watch the movie and compare.

Eliminate all odds

C AllStar "Ladder"

"Who among the thousands of people who stand up against each other still hold hands and experience the rise and fall of the world"

Even though the world has opened up a lot today, comrades still feel somewhat intolerant, so when I hear songs about unrequited love, I will have a strong resonance. One of them is "The Ladder" published by C AllStar in 2010. The inspiration for the creation comes from a couple living in Chongqing. The woman is a widow and she is ten years older than the man. The two have been pointed at by others when they are in love, so they decided to live in seclusion in the mountains. In order to make it easier to go down the mountain to find daily needs, the man spent nearly half a century building a 6,000-level "love ladder". The song was a hit in the city that year, and the MV consisted of the stories of several couples, one of which was a gay man. At the time of writing, the number of views on YouTube has exceeded 20 million, which shows that a love story against all odds can definitely move people's hearts.

Side Tian "Life is Hard"

"The determination to stay together even after all the calamities is unparalleled"

In 2005, Seda made his debut and released the song "Fate Hard", which can be said to be his masterpiece. The lyrics describe a couple who fell in love and were opposed by others, but still bravely persisted in their love. Although the lyricist Huang Weiwen did not directly explain why couples were despised, he compared love to war, and said that the protagonist was competing with "hegemony" and "waiting for the whole world to change". I believe everyone has heard of "heterosexuality". Hegemony", so it's easy for comrades to substitute into it.

Grasshopper "Paradise Lost"

"A bitter love is doomed to be difficult, I'm used to bearing merciless eyes along the way"

In 1997, Grasshopper released "Paradise Lost", which was sung by Cai Yijie. Like "Fate Hard", the lyrics were written by Huang Weiwen, and the reason why the couple was "besieged/abandoned" was not stated. However, at the end of the sentence "Look at the cruel world / What year and He Shi marveled at you and my bitter love / Rehabilitation of love", it seems that the protagonist, like "Fate Hard", is waiting for the atmosphere of the world to change, and it is not difficult for comrades to be in the song. see yourself in. By the way, although the protagonists of the MV are Cai Yijie and Wu Yongwei, some people have been saying for many years that there is a scene of two men kissing in the first part of the MV. Unfortunately, I can only find a low-definition version of the MV on YouTube, and I cannot confirm the scene, otherwise Can add more meaning to this song.

Zheng Xiuwen "Long Live Love"

"In the rumors, the crowd seeks my happiness, at least not guilty"

In 2007, Sammi returned to work after a two-year break due to depression and held a concert with the theme song "Long Live Love". Back then, Sammi fought off emotional illness and returned to work, just like a comrade resisting the gazes of others. Lin Ruoning, the lyricist, encouraged the audience, saying that seeking happiness is innocent. As an aside, in 2017, on the same day that the Taiwan court declared that the civil law does not guarantee same-sex marriage unconstitutional, Sammi happened to be holding a concert there. When a reporter asked about this, she replied: "Today is a very important step for gays. , I very much respect that everyone can have this right." Therefore, as a small fan, the author firmly believes that "Long Live Love" is sung for gays.

Brave Come Out Class

Leslie Cheung "I"

"I am I am a firework of a different color"

If it is said that my brother Leslie Cheung is a god-level gay idol, I believe everyone will not object. Everyone was most impressed by the photo of him holding hands with Tang Hede published in the magazine in 2001. Even though the social atmosphere was still relatively conservative at that time, the elder brother still responded calmly and said, "It's not a big deal." It's really super stylish. It turned out that my brother had published "I" the year before, and the opening sentence "I am what I am" was written by my brother, Lin Xi, who wrote the lyrics. This line is actually the title of a gay anthem song, from the classic American gay musical "La Cage aux Folles". The second sentence of "I", "I will always love me like this", shows the brave and proud personality of my brother. In the same year, my brother was in "Hot. At the end of "Love Concert", singing "I" in only a bathrobe is the most "naked" declaration of coming out of the closet, singing the heartfelt voice of countless comrades.

Further reading: If Love Can Sing - 10 Sex/Don't Niche Cantonese K Songs That Can't Be Missed

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