20200927 Confinement; it is better to put garbage in a bucket than to spread it on the street


The first large-scale reading of such a concept was in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: a healthy living system, where new parts and existing solid parts complement each other. Total solidification is death; total newness has no foundation, no structure, and quickly perishes. It needs fresh and turbulent exploration to expand and transform; the part that needs to be solidified provides the basic structure, and provides the base for the new branches to support. Metabolism can last for a long time.

Anyway, the movement of the Tao, the use of the Tao of the weak. I don't know if it has anything to do with this.

Everything must have its opposite in order to exist, and everything also contains both positive and negative sides. Either is a combination of contradictions.

However, action must be directed in one direction, and neither can be achieved. So action has a price.

The wheel of violence is too general to have no practical value, and its meaning is so broad that it can be interpreted and applied. Too much detail and little value.

When I went to a certain modern art museum once, my biggest confusion was, how did these artists become so certain about the world and their own value orientation at such a young age? Later, I found out that it is not only artists, but most of the people I have observed in my life, people from today and ancient times, people around and far away, have this kind of confusion.

The current phased answer is that they are not absolutely certain, they just seem more certain than me. There is no particular merit to this.

Currently thinking about it, nothingness is still the background color. Above nothingness is arbitrary.

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