WFH is so anxious about [English video conference]? By mastering the English sentences of "Ten Stages of Conference", you can also confidently preside over international conferences! -(Down)

In the post-epidemic era, many companies have started working from home one after another. Participating in [English Video Conference] Feeling anxious and not knowing how to express it in English? Following the introduction of the first five stages of the meeting last week, today we will introduce the English sentences that can be used in the five stages after the meeting: "negotiation and compromise, interruption of comments, time management, summarizing and tracking matters, and ending the meeting". The more you prepare for the meeting, the stronger your confidence will be. Remember to review these English sentences before attending the meeting, which will help you express your thoughts in English confidently at the meeting and successfully host the international meeting!


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Article source: Takeaway English official website

In the post-epidemic era, many companies have started working from home. Are you worried about participating in video conferences or conference calls, but feel anxious and don’t know how to express it in English?

Following the introduction of English sentences that can be used in the first five stages of the conference last week, "briefly describe the conference, explain the objectives and introduce the agenda, ask for repetition or clarification, share and solicit opinions, express agreement or objection", today will introduce the five stages after the conference "negotiation and clarification". Compromise, Interrupt Comments, Time Management, Summarize and Track Matters, End Meetings" can be used in English sentences. The more you prepare for the meeting, the stronger your confidence will be. Remember to review these English sentences before attending the meeting, which will help you express your thoughts in English confidently at the meeting and successfully host the international meeting!

Image by Jagrit Parajuli from Pixabay

6. 【English Video Conference】Negotiation and Compromise

Negotiation and compromise are the most important parts of many business meetings, how to negotiate and compromise solutions while respecting the views of others.

Negotiating Negotiating
  1. I will need to take more time to consider your offer.
    I need to spend more time considering your proposal.
  2. I can accept your terms on these conditions…
    In these cases, I can accept your terms...
  3. I see your point, but I think we are better off by…
    I see what you mean, but I think...this way we'll be better...
  1. I understand, and I am willing to compromise on these points…
    I understand, and I'm willing to make concessions on these...
  2. What do you think if we were to do this instead?
    What do you think if we do this instead?
  3. This is what I am willing to offer in order to move this deal forward.
    This is what I am willing to offer to facilitate this deal.

7. [English video conference] Interrupt comments or questions

Asking questions is an important part of any meeting, but inappropriate questioning can seriously affect the progress of the meeting. When you must interrupt someone else's conversation to clarify something or make an important comment, ask the other person for permission first.

  1. May I have a word on this topic? Can I insert this topic?
  2. If I may, I think that we should discuss this…
    I think we should discuss this if we can...
  3. Excuse me for interrupting, but could you clarify the marketing plan again?
    Excuse me to interrupt, but can you explain this marketing plan again?
  4. May I add something about last month's sales report here?
    Can I add last month's sales report here?

8. 【English Video Conference】Time Management

The purpose of the meeting is to improve efficiency, otherwise it is just a waste of time. When the meeting is in progress, you can use the following sentences to avoid the meeting becoming rambling or losing focus.

Participant Management
  1. Mike, please be brief with your comments. Mike, please be brief with your comments.
  2. Let's get back to the topic of marketing, shall we?
  3. We are not here to discuss marketing today.
Time Management
  1. We are running out of time for this meeting.
    Time is running out, our meeting time is almost over.
  2. Well, that is all the time we have for today's meeting, but let's discuss that next time.
  3. I'm afraid we've run out of time for today, but our next meeting will be Monday morning.

9. [English video conference] Summary points and tracking items

Before the meeting ends, briefly summarize what was discussed and what was resolved, and outline the next steps that need to be taken. The most important key to distinguish between effective and ineffective meetings is "follow-up action". If the resolutions of the meeting are not put into action, it is meaningless. The following are relevant sentences that can be used in meeting summary and assignment tasks.

  1. Before we go, let me summarize what we have decided on.
    Before the meeting ends, let me summarize today's resolutions.
  2. To sum up the meeting, we've discussed points A, B, and C.
    To wrap up today's meeting, we discussed A, B, and C.
  3. Shall I review today's important points?
    Let me summarize the key points mentioned today.
Assign tasks Action Items
  1. We should really prepare these numbers for our meeting next week.
    We should really have those numbers ready for next week's meeting.
  2. Let's focus our attention on completing these changes in the marketing plan by Friday afternoon.
    Let's focus on completing the tweaks in the marketing plan by Friday afternoon.
  3. Mike, would you mind taking care of the report by Thursday?
    Mike, would you mind working on this report by Thursday?
  4. I look forward to your report at our meeting next week, Mike.
    Mike, I look forward to seeing your report at our meeting next week.

10. [English Video Conference] End the call

Before concluding the conference call, thank all participants.

  1. It's time to wrap up. It's time to wrap up the meeting
  2. It looks like we've run out of time, so I guess we'll finish here.
    It looks like we're running out of time, so I thought we'd just end the meeting.
  3. Call leader: I believe this concludes our call. Thank you, everyone, for joining us.
    Chairman: This is the end of today's video conference. Thank you for your participation.
  4. Anybody got anything else that they desperately want to raise before we wrap up?
  5. If there are no further comments, we'll wrap up this meeting.
    If there are no other comments, let's end the meeting.
  6. If no one has anything else to add, then I think we'll wrap this up.
    If no one has anything to add, then I think we'll end the meeting.
  7. Let's bring this to a close for today.
  8. Right, I think that's probably about it.
  9. Thank you for setting up this call. Discussing [marketing issue] was very helpful.
    Thanks for arranging this session today, the [marketing topic] discussed today was very helpful.
  10. I look forward to being in touch on this topic again soon.
    I look forward to discussing this issue with you again soon.
  11. The meeting is finished. We'll meet again next Wednesday.
    The meeting is over, we will meet again next Wednesday
  12. Bye, everyone. Bye, everyone.
  13. Again, I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here today.
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Knowing the above practical English sentences, don't be afraid to hold a video conference with foreigners next time. These sentences can also be used in face-to-face business meetings. If you don't have time to learn all the English sentences in "Part 2", the most important thing is to practice first. Familiarize yourself with the three categories of sentences: "requesting repetition or clarification, sharing and soliciting opinions, summarizing key points, and tracking matters." Practice the most important sentences first, and then slowly practice other sentences.

Finally, I wish you all the best of luck in presiding over the international conference and reaching a fruitful meeting. Your boss will not only appreciate your ability to preside over the meeting, but the attendees will also be delighted. What kind of meetings are you most worried about? What problems have you encountered in recent meetings? Do you want to know more about the meeting in English? Please leave a message and let me know😊

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If you missed the previous one, you can make up for it as soon as possible~
Anxious to participate in [English Video Conference] in the post-epidemic era? Open "Conference Survival" must learn English sentences, teach you to host international conferences with confidence! -(superior)


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