Rehabilitation process four: Even if the hospital facilities are comparable to hotels, they are still hospitals

I have surgery in a private hospital. I read the introduction of the hospital before admission, and the environment seems to be good. But during the hospitalization, I found out that no matter how comfortable the life in the hospital is, it is very sad.

In Hong Kong, scheduled surgery in government hospitals, even cancer is significantly slower. My mastectomy was performed in a private hospital because of health insurance.

A hospital notice will be issued before admission. There is an introduction to the hospital. In addition to the necessary TV sets in each ward, the hospital also provides free wifi, three-pin plug sockets and USB sockets for charging mobile phones. In addition to watching TV programs, patients can also pass the time online. There are two restaurants in the hospital, one in the middle and one in the west, which provide patients with breakfast, lunch, dinner, three meals and afternoon tea. In addition, water cups, mouthwash cups, toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, shower caps, etc. are provided free of charge. Therefore, patients do not need to bring a lot of luggage into the hospital. On the day I officially entered the ward, I felt that the facilities were good. Although it is a standard room with five beds, each bed is surrounded by curtains, so the degree of privacy is quite high. There are two toilets in the room where five people live. One has a bathing facility, the other has only a toilet and washbasin. Therefore, the five patients in the room do not need to worry about competing for the toilet. Such a ward environment can be said to be very good.

But what! As the title says, no matter how comfortable the hospital environment is like a hotel, it is still a hospital after all. And there is a mysterious phenomenon. I don’t know if other people who have been in the hospital have the same feeling. For some reason, the time in the hospital passes very slowly. Many times it feels like an hour has passed, but only 20 minutes to half an hour has passed by looking at the watch. Even though I have spent a lot of time in the hospital reading e-books or taking classes online, the feeling of time passing has not been significantly relieved.

Another important reason for the difficult life in the hospital is the bureaucratic style of the hospital. In the first two days of hospitalization, because I had just completed the operation and I was not yet familiar with the ward environment, I hired a private nurse to take care of me at the suggestion of the hospital. On the third day, due to the familiarization of the ward environment, the employment of nursing staff was stopped. But when the hospital saw that I had no nursing staff, they were very worried that I would fall and asked me to ring the bell for the nurse every time I did anything, including going to the bathroom. Not enough, when I didn't have to get out of bed to do anything, they would put up the side rails and trap me in the bed. Just imagine, how uncomfortable it would be for a person who is beginning to recover to be unable to even sit on the chair next to the bed, but to stay on the bed? I really felt "worse than being in prison". Therefore, when I was discharged from the hospital on the fourth day, I really felt like I was released from prison.

The experience of being hospitalized this time has given me an additional meaning to paying attention to health: paying attention to health is not only to avoid the discomfort caused by illness as much as possible, but also to avoid the suffering of hospitalization.

Postscript: Originally, the doctor said that I had early stage breast cancer. It is estimated that electrotherapy can be added after surgery. However, the detailed pathology report after the operation showed that I belonged to the end of the first stage. Some indices are out of bounds. So you need to do an additional test called Encore to determine whether chemotherapy is needed. Therefore, there are still variables in the follow-up treatment. Of course I hope I don't need chemotherapy! Because chemotherapy is really painful. I am also afraid of some of the symptoms of chemotherapy, such as vomiting, weakness, etc. If you really want chemotherapy, I am afraid that you may not be able to come up often.


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