You who long to be understood by the world, have you forgiven yourself?

We are often like two people who are divided, one side is conscientious and conscientious, and the other side wants to relax and become decadent and self-exile. . . The long-awaited self-forgiveness within, do you see it?

We often doubt our own abilities because of other people's comments, annoyed that we are not good enough; or we turn to external complaints to avoid the pain of self-attack.

It's just that, after objective analysis, have these internal and external responsibilities made our lives better?

See yourself from a higher perspective

In fact, the planning of life scripts is often broader than our brains recognize. When we look at our life from a higher perspective , we will find that the judgment of the external world is to teach us to treat ourselves with compassion .

All along, we have always strictly demanded ourselves to do better and go in a better direction; however, our inner loneliness is tired and we are eager to be understood, accepted and tolerated. Therefore, we are often like two people who are divided, one side is conscientious and conscientious, and the other side wants to relax and become decadent and self-exile.

Therefore, life subtly develops various plots for us, such as external criticism, illness, accident, interpersonal relationship, setback, etc., so that we have to face up to our inner needs and remind us to forgive and let go of ourselves.

Everything is actually to help the inside to get that long-awaited self-understanding . Behind the cruel situation, there is compassion and kindness that can only be felt by spiritual awareness. The mystery of life is far beyond the imagination of rational logic.

Your original promise with the world was love and kindness

Although, at this moment, it is almost difficult for you to remember the hope that first came to the world. However, if in real life, you have ever had a desire to be understood and accepted by the world, then please do not doubt that the alarm clock for spiritual awakening has already sounded, please do not hesitate to " treat yourself with compassion ".

Treating yourself with compassion is not about condoning or defending yourself, but pampering yourself for the difficult journey you have come through, acknowledging and accepting your inner feelings, and compassionately accompanying yourself who longs to be loved. When we are truly kind and generous to ourselves, there is no reason for the external world to manifest unkindness again to tell us to return to love, and instead start a beautiful next chapter.

You must know that we live in the universe from beginning to end and have never been left behind by the universe. If there is any point in the process of falling and experiencing disasters and pains, it is because we have chosen to break the wings of the angels behind us, to feel the dark abyss, to experience hardships and hatred, to embark on the road of acceptance, to achieve a magnificent and vast life, and thus time and time again. Understand the love and light of life.

If you want to be understood and seen by the world, you start by forgiving yourself .
The day you reconcile with yourself is the day you return to love and be with the world.

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S+【心靈創作/潛意識導引諮詢/社工師】曾經,日復一日迎合世界的標準,追求完美、害怕失敗、討厭錯誤...,苛刻地做為自己最大的敵人。直到踏上靜心與自我覺察道路,發現潛意識影響著我們每一天的生活,體認到力量在於心念之間,每一個當下我們都擁有選擇! 原來,生命本身是一場祝福,只待我們去「覺知」它。 也因此,盼將這份覺知與祝福,傳遞給與我相遇的每一個你,一起讓生命成為禮物!
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