Painting the wall works


Picture taken from twitter. 2022/5/11.

The large and heavy objects are suspended from the outer walls of urban buildings, and the danger of falling is much higher than that of the "Come on" flag on Lion Rock. Slippery Creek will certainly be laughable and generous. The heart of support should be persistent. It is recommended to paint the walls with chrysanthemums. The thicker the skin, the longer it will last.

Since ancient times, flattery has been endless: exaggeration, big. Painting the wall is the daily routine of the yazhong. Since the lord comes from the yamen, it will not be regarded as an independent special practice. The colorful blush face will surely make passers-by gasp in admiration. If the alma mater's painting wall is successful, it will be blessed by an invisible halo, and business will be good in the future.

The lung talk that has been held in my stomach for more than a month has finally turned into a loud fart. I hope you will forgive me. Time to go back to the cage and get some sleep.


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根叔|gunshock⎡邊緣回望後,滑進一界混沌,從不掙扎。跟自己的過去過不去,執著地浮沉著。⎦ Still hope/to hand stitch my book/of ups & downs on a tightrope./No plan to elope/coz it just chokes.
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