Take you into the world of NFT and analyze NFT in detail (high gold content)

This is the first time I participated in a community activity, and I just found a topic that I am super addicted to recently. I want to invite everyone to participate in the grand event, and let you quickly understand what NFT is doing.

NFT (Non Fungible Token), non-fungible token

Before you know " non-fungible tokens ", let's talk about what " fungible tokens " are. It's actually very simple. When you and I both have $10 today, the "value of the currency in our hands" ” are all the same, they are all $10, this is called a homogenized token; then imagine a question, if Elon musk signs my $10 today, do you think our currency “value” is still the same at this time? ? Very interesting, think about if you are a big fan of Musk today, will you want to "collect" this bill, then you will definitely pay more than $10 at this time; but on the other hand, today you Would you pay more than $10 for this $10 if you don't even know this person? Don't be silly, so this is " Non-Fungible Token (NFT) ".

Okay, hearing this, I wonder if you will have a small question: How do I know if this $10 is signed by Musk ? At this point, the first thought in your mind may be that Musk himself admits it! So maybe he'll be tweeting, so you're believing it through the " official certification " thing, right? Now I'm going to take you on a "history" from ancient times to the present: from the past to the present, do we take the big institutions we can trust, or the units we think have credibility as the matter of " owning " The basis or proof that I "own", so for example, you bought a house, why do you say you own it? Isn't it just a "credible unit" of a banking institution, agent, intermediary, etc.? Then just think about a question, what if these institutions go out of business today? Do they still admit it? If your records of land deeds, title deeds are gone, will they still admit it? Maybe when you hear this, you may think that I am running wild, anyway, what I want to tell you is: listen up, the generation of " technologies " such as NFT and block training completely broke the above concept, you no longer You need any " big institution " to verify whether you have it, every transaction of everyone is " transparent ", and through the technology of blockchain, every transaction of yours will be recorded and certified by " miners ". : The so-called miners use computer operations to calculate the information of your transaction, write it into the block, and then link it up. Therefore, you will be charged a "fee" when you trade, which is the "Gas fee" you often hear, so when there are too many people trading at this moment, the miners will be very tired, so they have to queue up, otherwise they will pay more High money jumps in the queue, so the gas fee is " floating ", which is too far, so what I want to say is that NFT uses "people all over the world" to verify that you really hold this asset, and every NFT has It's "unique", that's why "art" will be the first to make NFT applications, think about it, if you want to buy a painting today, do you know where there is an art exhibition? Besides, you bought a painting today , do you have a place to save it? So when you hear this, let alone painting, so everything related to "creation" must be on NFT, including music, painting, video, writing, etc., because they are sold to worldwide .

Do you think NFT=JPG=art? too naive

First of all, NFT and JPG are the concept of homogeneity and non-homogeneity, so if you hear someone say "Which idiot will spend a lot of money to buy a picture, I will right-click to download it", please politely say to him: Non Fungible Token idiot! So through the previous paragraph, you have a clear understanding of what NFTs are doing. It's not just a "collectible", right, that's right; but that's the NFT at the very beginning, and now you're ready to subvert your thinking , listen carefully, we mentioned the link of NFT "authentication" earlier, but if it is just like this, it will not be considered as a technology that can subvert the world. What is more interesting is smart contracts , so the most powerful thing is in The field of "applications" .

Types of NFT smart contracts

NFT for group

I don’t know if you have seen a kind of monkey in the NFT circle, it looks like the one below, I will tell you something secretly, at this moment the lowest price of a monkey is 8.99 ether, no idea, right, it’s about one million Taiwan dollars :) , do you think, crazy, I can buy a car for one million?, but you know, if this "NFT project" tells you: as long as you hold our monkey, you You are eligible to enter our group, but I believe it is still difficult for you to identify with a group of 1 million, so this is a typical example of " subverting your thinking ", the value of this group may be much higher than this 100. Wan, because there are definitely gods in the NFT world, how much benefit will the information shared with each other bring you, just like insider trading of stocks, do you think their winning rate of buying stocks is high? Of course I must stress that it is information; not brand names.

NFTs for games

This is an application that the author is very, very, very interested in, also known as Gamefi. I will ask you first, if you have never played computer or mobile games since birth, please leave a message below. It is too rare. I believe everyone plays it. Let's go, then I'll ask the next question, have you ever received a "class fee"? Of course, some people may not have this, but I believe that many people have spent money in games; but you have asked yourself: why do I spend real money to store the virtual currency of the game? , please, the players who can spend money are just two words: cool, because the game is fun, who cares, okay, then we have to "subvert your thinking" again, just imagine, if today we will "play the game" The virtual currency of the game is linked with the real currency, and even any "equipment, cards, money, pets" you have in the game become "things of value", and everything will not return to 0 because the game company goes down, What kind of world do you think this is going to be, I got goosebumps when I heard it, because I am also a game lover, when I heard the keyword "Play to Earn (P2E)", I was very shocked, so when you When you hold their company's NFT, you will get their tokens at the same time, so you can shop, play, and experience in it, and then when you hit rare treasures, you can sell the NFT, and then exchange it back for ether, make money, and do I was extremely excited when I heard it, so I am blessed to see the audience here. Let me tell you a piece of news that drives me crazy. Anyone who is playing games knows what a "3A masterpiece" is, which is high cost , high volume and high quality . In short, it is a game that is worth playing, and then the point is! ! ! At present, there will be a "3A masterpiece NFT game" called illuvium, please remember its name, it is the "first" 3A, what do you think its value is, and then I will tell you secretly, " No one knows him now”, its official Twitter is only 110,000 followers, hearthstone is currently 800,000 , pokemon go is currently 3 million , ok, the rest is up to you.


NFTs for metaverse

OK, this is also an application that directly changes your thinking. The Chinese name is "Metaverse". Maybe you have heard this word recently, because it has been super rammed recently, but I think they only interpret the fragment, because many people will think: Ana is not Is it also a game? Why not just divide it into gamefi, you are wrong, it is not a game, but a "universe". The so-called universe is that everything can happen. Let's see how the people who created this universe are creative. For example, is the Marvel Universe created by the main author Stan Lee? Let me briefly talk about the concept of the metaverse. Basically, it has stages. "Senyouhui" these things actually belong to their universe, but the purpose of the metaverse promoted by NFT is to hope that through "virtual reality integration", he does not want you to just play virtual games, but to enjoy the actual Here, for example : Suppose you are a clothing store owner, and you have thought that when you were playing Animal Crossing, you opened a virtual clothing store, and then people who played the game bought your clothes, Then you send him an NFT, and in reality, you also send him the clothes, and he also receives his clothes, OK, this is something you can do in this universe, of course, every universe has With their characteristics, it all depends on how the creators think, then I believe that the ultimate goal is to achieve a world like "unscripted players", you can take a look if you are interested.

NFT for burn

After reading this, I don't know how many people are still alive haha, the gold content is higher as you go down, come on. The so-called Burn is a mechanism that burns the NFT issued by it through the smart contract of NFT, clam? What the hell, he created the NFT himself and then destroyed it? Yes, you must think it's absurd. Let me start with the conclusion. If you think that the statement "rare is more expensive" is in line with your logic, when any NFT project today has a burn mechanism, it is very worthy of attention. , because the smaller the quantity, the more valuable it is. Good to pull back and talk about what this is all about, first of all, it is a mechanism that can be used on too many things, such as Gamefi, if you need to collect NFTs to synthesize equipment, or upgrade three monsters to higher-level monsters , it would be very interesting if he applied Burn's mechanism again, and the illuvium just mentioned has this mechanism. Or the first monkey, Cyberkongz, he also has this mechanism. By collecting big monkeys and bananas, you can synthesize a small monkey. This small monkey will regularly send " banana NFT " to your account. Can you buy and sell in the open market again, isn't it a so-called "passive income" ?

That's even more interesting . Have you ever wondered if there is an NFT project with 1. Artwork value 2. Metaverse concept 3. Burn mechanism, how would you rate it? This project is published by artist pak, The Fungible by Pak. His logic is to collect the blocks he issued and exchange for bigger blocks, but do you think this is the end? His highlight is that if you burn your blocks, he will give you his tokens, and you can use his tokens to develop other projects, such as some poets' nft, and the rest of the information will be explored by everyone. .

digital age

Finally finished the introduction, are you dizzy?

I believe that everyone's brain capacity is about to explode, but the next things need to be written down!

Analysis of NFT gameplay

In fact, making any investment is the same. First, it depends on whether you are a short-term speculator; or a long-term holder, a short-term NFT player, we call it: Paper hand, what they are doing is Filp, changing hands; If it is a long-term player, we call it: Diamond hand, then below is the manuscript of the notes compiled by the author, for everyone! (The word is so ugly



I still want to remind everyone that NFT is a high-risk investment project. The best way to play is to do your own research before entering this market, grasp your expectations, and get to know yourself in this casino. You can refer to this article of mine: The world's largest casino, right in the world . But! Whether you want to enter the NFT market or not, you must definitely open your mind, accept new information, and don't frame yourself! If you have framed thinking, welcome to take a look at XD: what it brought to me after contacting investment Three inspirations; and use them for a lifetime , otherwise you will find that you have missed a lot of novelty things, just like when the Internet generation emerged, you clearly knew that it was the future trend, but chose to "understand when you are mature", and wait until then Your age is also mature!


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新的NFT 項目,超強的學習平台,提供給真的想學習幣圈的人