Mr. Shi Yong, miss forever

A good boss is one who has the material, uses his ability to convince the public, and has a friendly attitude. At the same time, he actively explores the talents of his subordinates, gives them opportunities to play, and protects his subordinates from wind and rain when encountering problems, but he is always calm and prudent in planning in front of others. I am very envious of the people who used to be Mr. Shi Yong's subordinates and colleagues.
Precious news clip, only found this one on YouTube, a news station that has disappeared.

I am not familiar with Shi Sheng, but when I first heard the sad news of his death in early March, the sadness, grief, and grief were unexpectedly deep, probably because the news person in my heart should be like Mr. Shi Yong Yong, but now that I look around and look back, it is rare. The "media" recognized by the governance system has disappeared, especially at the top.

During the funeral, his old colleagues and old subordinates expressed their respect.

In ancient times, I used to work as a temporary worker at RTHK, doing chores. At that time, Mr. Shi Yongcheng was already a high-level executive, and I had no chance to meet him. Knowing him and having the opportunity to talk is only because he is the husband of an old colleague. At that time, he was an illiterate yellow-haired girl, and the old colleague was already a middle-level person. It was only through the activities of the reporters/journalists that they knew that they were related to each other. The occasions when we met after that were mostly light-hearted occasions. Even if the topic was serious, there was no serious discussion. However, Shi Sheng remembered this junior - remember, how many people he has met, and people with high power. Yi Luoluo, he actually has the brainpower to care about the work of the junior, and every time he has a smile on his face, when he sees him, even if he doesn't know each other, he will trust him and his heart will be calm.

When I met Shi Sheng, he already had a big belly, a veritable "beer belly". I remember Mrs. Shi muttering that he drank a lot of beer. His hairstyle was the same for many years, but Mrs. Shi was very thin. Both are simple. It was not until the old photos were broadcast at the funeral that I believed that Shi Sheng really had a thin life when he was young.

Mr. Minyong is bright and upright, and has a strong character, shielding his colleagues and subordinates from the wind and rain.

Re-watching the news and other people's memories, I know that many hot programs in Hong Kong and Taiwan were directly under Shi Sheng's banner, but he was calm, he used his wisdom to withstand pressure, protected his subordinates, and let them concentrate on fulfilling their responsibilities as journalists. Such a boss Where to ask? I envy his subordinates. Shi Sheng had to pay a price. He spent a longer time acting as an acting post, and only took up the post of Assistant Broadcasting Director, but he didn't care. According to Hong Kong Broadband TV news records, Shi Sheng rarely shows a solemn appearance, saying that his personal career is secondary to him. Everyone knows that he attaches more importance to Hong Kong and Taiwan, Hong Kong's press freedom, and public broadcasting, which is more important to Hong Kong and Hong Kong people.

Former colleague Zeng Zhihao recalled that Shi was always a human being.

My values are very old-fashioned. I believe that journalists must be persistent. Since they meet people as journalists, they must not live up to the responsibilities of "reporters", otherwise they should change careers. There are others who have different words and deeds, or "yesterday is not what today is", in the name of the media, and do not do their due jobs.

Wu Zhisen deplored Shi Yong.

Shi is energetic, does practical things, pays attention to new people, cultivates underachievers, and cultivates new blood, unlike some of his peers who love to brag about themselves, or are keen to make friends with powerful people and play tricks. Wu Zhisen and I sigh the same: Why do good people leave early, but bad people still exist?!

Forever Sze

Thank you Mr. Shi Yongyou! Thank you for doing so much for Hong Kong. I am very grateful that Hong Kong once had you as a journalist. I hope you will know in the sky that many people respect and miss you, and hope that God will take good care of you.


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