Weekend Talk|Is the only way to read classic literature is to drop the bag?

To read or not to read is a personal choice

In the media where I used to work, I once did a special topic, using various methods to tell everyone the benefits of reading classic literature. To be precise, I have done this kind of content in both media, that is, one wants to sell literary works (and other related content) ), people like me who spend their time in advertising can always find excuses to get people to read that and listen to this... Of course, there are thousands of reasons to read classic literature or listen to classical music, just pick a few A more convincing "expert opinion" support.

Reading or not reading the classics is a personal choice, and everyone has their own supporters, or like the Nobel Prize winner Camus who said that he is not picky about what he reads, a person who likes to read is probably like this, he can read everything. Including the text on the packaging of each product. What amazes me is that people who emphasize not reading are able to find more reasons to support the "not reading" argument - will you lose your words if you read too much? Or reading too much will not have time to live a good life?

Some people scoff at the people who read the classics and say that it is a book bag, but this is a very contradictory thing. People who read always think that they have not read enough, but they are said to be showing off. They write what they have read, maybe Just mistakenly thought that it was everyone's daily life. Just as people who promote popular culture don't need to explain why they have this preference, lovers of classical music and classic literature always have to justify themselves.

 Another possibility is that some people think that reading other books is nothing to share, only the classics.
However, what I want to point out is that if you observe the words written by people who do not read literature, you will find obvious word errors, use wrong words or make up their own words. If economic development can simultaneously promote cultural undertakings, then there should be people who do not read. You need to explain to yourself why you use the wrong idiom.

to understand an era

There are no classics in the life that people who don’t read regard as normal, but they exist in the lives of some people without considering the content of classic books. Each classic is a microcosm of a piece of history, just like Balzac said that he was only a In documenting French society. Few people who "start" to read find themselves reading a lot, the books appearing in a circle. For example, to understand the women of the Victorian period, it is difficult to ignore Woolf, and to understand a little deeper, you must understand the cultural background of the time. Oscar Wilde, Dickens, who wrote novels, and Morris who wrote poetry, will unknowingly receive creators from different countries, just to capture the concept of a society, and sometimes even just curious about a popular culture in a certain era.

 Although I have finished writing the above paragraph, I also feel that I have lost my book bag. But it’s just a reading habit out of one’s own will. I guess many people have a similar approach. At the beginning, they were just interested in something, and gradually fell into it... The situation of chasing stars may be similar.

But fortunately, I am not an addicted reader. The necessity of reading in my life is too low. Eating, bathing, sleeping, cleaning the environment, and keeping accounts... These are much more important to me than reading, once said It is also a fact that after reading the classics just because there is not enough time, you can only start with the important ones.

This is a park near the Sorbonne University. People put books directly here and let people take them away at will. Reading is a very daily thing.

just people who write ads

I've worked as an interview editor, a copywriter but have always been an ad writer.

This identity always makes me a little hard to explain, the concept of content marketing has been around for two or three hundred years - sorry, I always believe that this is from France in modern society - I wrote "Newspapers that Lost Ink and Pens" the day before yesterday It mentions that the Paris tabloids were rampant in the 1830s, and the pages and articles of the newspapers have their own price. It is comforting to think that those who write newspaper advertisements also have a literary background, and those who write reviews are also novel creators. Not a lot. I've gone too far, the gossip content talked about by Parisians in the eighteenth century was already written in the tabloids issued abroad, which is most likely the original content marketing in print .

Balzac determined his literary dream after graduating from law school at the age of 20. At the beginning, he wrote many types of articles and creations. He also published at the age of 30. He lost a sum of money and was in debt to him. passed away. Some people say that more creation is not necessarily great, and Balzac, who left more than 90 works in his fifty-year life, is considered to be a writer who can represent the first half of the nineteenth century. He is an era himself, but such a person has also The academician of the French Academy said, "This person should not engage in literature."

Maybe someone who reads my article will find (this is a bit self-conscious) that what I have talked about for a while is related. Starting from the commentary in the newspaper, I began to write about Baudelaire's art review on New Year's Day this year. ; Then, when I read "The Paris review", I found that "Revue de Paris" is irrelevant. The latter is a French weekly magazine that mainly serializes literary works. The rise of such literary publications is also related to "free publishing" in the nineteenth century; Back to the literature that Balzac published here.

These articles can be said to be a natural reading cycle, but now that I think about it, I don't like to read history deliberately. I'm too lazy. If I could read the history of France in the nineteenth century seriously at this age, I can't do it, I can only get a few scattered concepts from reading.

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My creations don't have the newspapers that lose ink and pen on a daily basis

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Chin 反意識形態/爾思出版共同創辦人 寫作的地方:https://travelwithbook.com/ 來信指教:chin@travelwithbook.com
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