Dedicated and enthusiastic bosses are the warmest

The people and things I meet on the journey are often like sparks, igniting my curiosity to discover the stories behind them. Landscapes and scenic spots are often seen and passed away. Only the stories of people can enrich the weight of the journey the most.
Gianluca Lorenzet

Temporarily decided to stay in Venice for one more day, but found a barely affordable accommodation under the super-high difficulty. Unfortunately, I got lost and walked for more than an hour under the scorching sun with a heavy backpack. When I arrived near my suspected destination, I saw a door A gentleman in a t-shirt chatted with others and asked him about it, he made sure we were in the right place, showed a big smile, and greeted us inside. At first I thought he was a guest, but I was too hot and tired to reply. The smile, the heart is very embarrassed.

Knowing that he walked to the counter and went through the formalities for us, Fang suddenly realized that he was a staff member. He talked to us and introduced the hotel, almost dancing, such enthusiastic staff, rare. The formalities were almost completed. A middle-aged man in a suit came back, and the man in the T-shirt explained a few sentences. The middle-aged man took over and took us to the accommodation. When introducing various facilities, he mentioned that if the guest asked to have breakfast in the room, the boss— - The one who did the formalities with you - will send it.

T-shirt man is the boss?

Gianluca Lorenzet is from Milan, working in catering business. He moved to Venice ten years ago to get involved in the hotel industry. Corte Di Gabriela is his second hotel here and is positioned as a boutique hotel. "Venice has been as beautiful as it has been for hundreds of years." The flooding, Venice's aging population, and the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic didn't seem to worry him.

Temporarily decided to stay in Venice for one more day, but found a barely affordable accommodation under the super-high difficulty. Unfortunately, I got lost and walked for more than an hour under the scorching sun with a heavy backpack. When I arrived near my suspected destination, I saw a door A gentleman in a t-shirt chatted with others and asked him about it, he made sure we were in the right place, showed a big smile, and greeted us inside. At first I thought he was a guest, but I was too hot and tired to reply. The smile, the heart is very embarrassed.

Knowing that he walked to the counter and went through the formalities for us, Fang suddenly realized that he was a staff member. He talked to us and introduced the hotel, almost dancing, such enthusiastic staff, rare. The formalities were almost completed. A middle-aged man in a suit came back, and the man in the T-shirt explained a few sentences. The middle-aged man took over and took us to the accommodation. When introducing various facilities, he mentioned that if the guest asked to have breakfast in the room, the boss— - The one who did the formalities with you - will send it.

T-shirt man is the boss?

Gianluca Lorenzet is from Milan, working in the catering business, and moved to Venice ten years ago to dabble in the hotel industry. Corte Di Gabriela is his masterpiece here, positioning it as a boutique hotel. "Venice has been as beautiful as it has been for hundreds of years." The flooding, Venice's aging population, and the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic didn't seem to worry him.

The decor of the hotel is modern, simple and elegant.

We stayed in an apartment with a 㕑 room, about a three-minute walk from the main hotel building, like a remodeled residential building. What moved me the most was that there was an electric hot water heater, which saved me, who loves to drink tea. Those who love hot drinks should pay attention, European hotels rarely provide electric hot water, and it is a must-have facility in British hotels. I didn't bring a hot water tank for travel, it was my carelessness.

The cooking equipment is new and complete, and there is even a coffee bar, with tea bags and coffee, which can save the cost of eating out.

The most considerate thing is that the hotel even provides olive oil to facilitate guests to cook.

Glass bottles of drinking water and wine glasses are thoughtful amenities, and olive oil is the biggest surprise.

Laundry supplies are readily available, not only washing machines, but also laundry beads, drying racks, and irons.

Either too many people ask Gianluca for tips on traveling to Venice, or he loves Venice so much that he wants to share his preferences with everyone, and he has invested in a website/app to list his personal recommendations! ( His cards are high quality and thick As soon as he touched it, he knew that he was willing to invest. I met him again during the checkout, and he was in charge of himself (the manager said that the boss was often in the hotel), and he smiled more than the staff, and felt that his enthusiasm came from the heart. The thank you letter attached to the checkout has a human touch: "Knowing that you have a lot of accommodation options, it is our honor that you have chosen us." As a guest, I am very disappointed, and the boutique hotel must go further" people" route.

According to Gianluca's recommendation, we visited two restaurants, which are really good, one of them is more expensive, indicating that there is no "tourist menu", and the other is relatively plain, many Italians patronize, it should be more authentic, so feel free to try it. The menu says that there is no cover charge (paid according to the number of guests) and service charges for lunch. The quality and taste of the food is much better than the previous set lunch at a restaurant near Rialto Bridge, which is obviously aimed at tourists.

The dishes ordered by the Italians at the next table looked good. I ordered them later, and they really tasted good.

When I turned around, I saw that the restaurant had a sign of the Italian Slow Food Guide on the window.

Snails are marked by the Slow Eat Guide.

Italians are proud of their food. In 1984, McDonald's opened its first Italian store in Rome. Carlo Petrini launched the "Slow Food movement". In addition to fighting the fast food culture, he also cared about the origin and transportation process of ingredients. Prices should be reasonable for both producers and consumers. Furthermore, everyone has the right to good, clean and fair food.

Don't understand Italian, Guess Restaurant has been in business since 1971, a local restaurant using local ingredients.
There is a map on the back of the card showing the restaurant location. Watch out for Sunday off.

The "Slow Food Movement" has gradually become a culture, supporting local ingredients, local production, and extending to small shops and markets that sell and use local food, encourage careful appreciation of every food, chew every taste of life; marked with snails, Appropriate.

Slowness has won my heart. I have always eaten slowly, and I have always been slow in what I do. I have always eaten slowly and lived slowly.

In 1986, The Slow Food Italy Association was established to protect Italian traditions and food. The "Slow Food Movement" has 50,000 members in Italy, and its beliefs have spread internationally, with more than 100,000 members in 13 countries around the world.

Many locals in Venice go to the Rialto Bridge market to buy food, and the friendship between people is accumulated bit by bit.

Most interestingly, the Slow Food movement led to the creation of a university. In 2004, the "Slow Food Association" cooperated with the regional councils of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna to establish the University of Gastronomic Sciences (University of Gastronomic Sciences), which is a private university recognized by the provincial government. Students need to learn about agriculture and food. With the goal of sustainable development of the earth.

The global food inequity has been a problem for many years, but the residents in the materially abundant areas are not affected, so I don't care, including Hong Kong people, until food pollution, epidemics, and logistics blockages followed, Hong Kong people's awareness of eating Hong Kong food increased. We realize that we cannot rely entirely on imports; Russia invaded Ukraine, blocked ports, and made people in many countries feel that food prices and crisis are immediate. At this time, the "Slow Food Movement" and the University of Gastronomic Sciences have increasingly reminded people to return to the basics of life. I appreciate and cherish people who know how to farm and grow their own food.


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