How to adapt to the rapidly evolving Web3 world?

Marshall L.
Up to now, the wave of artificial intelligence, metaverse, and blockchain is sweeping the business models of all walks of life, and the next wave of revolution is brewing, so Web3 has become a hot topic. However, everyone's attention is a precious resource in today's rapidly developing digital economy era. The rapid development of these fields and the degree of information bombardment often make people feel anxious and at a loss, fearing that they will not be able to keep up The latest pulse, after falling into the losing group. So, let's discuss how to deal with Web3 information anxiety and effectively screen out areas worthy of attention.

Up to now, the waves of artificial intelligence, metaverse, and blockchain are sweeping the business models of all walks of life, brewing the next wave of revolution, so Web3 has become a hot topic. However, everyone's attention is a precious resource in today's rapidly developing digital economy era. The rapid development of these fields and the degree of information bombardment often make people feel anxious and at a loss, fearing that they will not be able to keep up The latest pulse, after falling into the losing group. So, let's discuss how to deal with Web3 information anxiety and effectively screen out areas worthy of attention.

The principle of simplifying

Understand and accept that learning is a long process with setbacks and difficulties. Focus on progress and growth rather than short-term results. Persevere. Believe in yourself to understand and learn new concepts and skills. In times of anxiety When you are uneasy, you can properly handle emotional fluctuations by grasping a few principles:

  1. Limitations of being human: Everyone has their own areas of learning and understanding that they are good at. Accept that you cannot grasp all the information, and instead focus on the areas you are interested in . After dabbling in general topics, choose the specific ones you want to study in depth It is best to make a reasonable study plan, determine the daily or weekly study time, and regard it as a long-term process, disassemble the learning objectives, gradually increase the depth of knowledge and breadth.

  2. Reliable sources of information: When embarking on research in an emerging field that has not yet matured, choose credible news sites, bloggers, communities and expert opinions to ensure that you are getting reliable and valuable information. In addition, join relevant communities, forums or online discussion groups, interact with others, share your problems, and learn from their experiences, often communicate, discuss and share your learning experiences with different ethnic groups to verify the accuracy of opinions , to avoid falling into the stratosphere for heating .

  3. Physical and mental balance is the most important thing: to relax in time and maintain a balance in life. While inputting new knowledge, outputting stress is equally important . Take care of your physical and mental health, set a reasonable time limit to focus on researching and understanding what you focus on, and then give yourself some time to rest and relax. Accept imperfection, understand that you can't master everything in the world, and acknowledge that fact, don't demand too much of yourself, and focus on the process of learning and growing instead of striving for perfection.

The most important thing to remember is to put your own needs and pace first, and to accumulate and improve at a pace you can master. Comparing with others will only let anxiety and stress hinder your progress. Balance, relaxation and Enjoy the learning process, no matter how fast the external field develops, it cannot afford to lose your most important health and happiness.

For most of us, our most precious resource is time. Therefore, in a world of information overload, it is crucial to learn to choose and focus on what really matters. -Steve Jobs

Focus on your areas of interest and accept that you don't have all the information

Specific methods and techniques

Not all information is valuable. We have to learn how to filter and ignore bombardments that are irrelevant to us, but how to filter areas worth spending time and judge the usefulness of information?

  1. Confirm the reliability of the information source: Check the reputation and credibility of the information source, choose from reliable and authoritative sources, well-known news organizations, well-known experts, academic research and reputable websites usually provide reliable information.

  2. Check consistency across multiple sources: Verify that multiple, disparate sources of information provide consistent information. If multiple reliable sources are all coming to similar conclusions, then this may be an area to watch.

  3. Examine evidence and data support: Try to find specific evidence and data to support the claim. Is the information based on verifiable data and research, or is it just subjective views and opinions?

  4. Assess the depth and detail of the content: Does the information reach enough depth and breadth? Has sufficient background information and relevant detail been provided? This can help you judge the completeness and reliability of the information.

  5. Pay attention to biases and positions: As long as there are opinions, there will be biases and positions. Some information may be biased towards specific ideas or interests, which may affect its objectivity and reliability. Try to find information about positive and negative positions and opinions to obtain more comprehensive understanding.

Filter out irrelevant noise and gossip, absorb the most essential results, and accumulate usable knowledge through customized learning plans. In this rapidly changing field, we can calm down when faced with a large amount of information and news confidence.

The key to learning to process information is to possess curiosity, critical thinking and selective attention. Only in this way can you find truly valuable content from the massive amount of information. -John Hall

Filter out irrelevant noise and gossip, and absorb the most essential results

Big trick "North Star"

The concept of Polaris comes from "three thousand weak waters, just take a scoop to drink", which means that no matter how much something is, I only take what I need. It emphasizes choosing and focusing on a lot of information The most important part to avoid excessive consumption of time and energy; applied to the situation of absorbing information can help focus on core issues, such as the inevitable triangular issues when discussing blockchain development: decentralization, security, Scalability, using this core question to extend the field of study that you want to know the answer to, and so on. No matter what, there is always one star to guide your way, and that is the North Star.

What is at the core of the issues you focus on is your North Star.

Also, whenever you use secondary filtering tools such as news aggregators, subscription services, or social media filters to manage and control the amount of information you receive, ask yourself, what does this have to do with my north star? The settings on the tool should only be used to focus on information that is reliable and relevant to your interests, exclude all irrelevant and redundant information, focus on quality rather than quantity, and do not pursue endless information, but focus on the core of the problem and information Quality, choose valuable, reliable and in-depth information sources, and focus on in-depth understanding of key concepts and core knowledge in the field, always keep the North Star in mind.

True learning is not about memorizing all the answers, but learning to ask the right questions. -Albert Einstein

The concept of Polaris comes from "Three thousand weak waters, just take a scoop to drink"


Facing the era of Web3 pressure, information anxiety has become a common problem we face. However, we can address this challenge through simplification and specific techniques. First, recognize your own limitations as a human being, define your own learning scope and set reasonable goals. Instead of trying to do it overnight, focus on your areas of interest, delve deeper and build a solid foundation.

We can then use the North Star concept to deal with information overload. This means we need to filter and selectively focus on the most important information to avoid excessive consumption of time and energy. Focusing on the essentials, utilizing filtering tools and focusing on quality rather than quantity can help us process information more effectively. The most important thing is to achieve balance and relaxation. Learning is a long journey. It is not necessary to pursue instant mastery of all information. Let us pursue knowledge with peace of mind, enjoy the process of learning, and continue to grow and develop in the Web3 world!

The information mentioned in this blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.
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Marshall L.一名影視創作者的WEB3趨勢觀察筆記,專注於當代科技、文化、思想的探索。
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