"How do you live today, how do you live this life"


Author: James Wallman
Translator: Lin Limin Publisher: Insight

This book is about "time management," a topic on which most books focus on how to get more done with less time at work . But this book is special, it's about how to properly manage leisure time .

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I often hear conversations like: "I've been busy these days, so I haven't/can't/haven't had time to... (complete a non-work item)". In fact, objective statistics, we have an average of 36 to 40 hours per week available, we can do whatever we want. But why don't most people feel like they have time? At the beginning of the book, 7 reasons are listed, which can be summarized as: capitalism is in business and business, values work, but values of life, and garbage experience and empty activities eat up a lot of our time.

The author guides our changing view of the "why and how of success" from ancient times to the present. In the early 20th century, “Intellectual Quotient (Intelligence Quotient)” was first emphasized. After 1990, “Emotional Quotient (Emotional Quotient)” was considered equally important; in recent years, the latest research shows that the key to success requires not only IQ and EQ, but also " Experience Intelligence (ExQ) ":

Experience → Happiness, Resilience, Success

Given the complexity of modern life and the myriad of options, how to filter and create a good decision, a rich and happy experience? The book uses scientifically validated " checklists " as tools to help keep the basics right. As for what items to check? There are 7 aspects, whose prefix just happens to be " STORIES ", which are outlined as the backbone, and are discussed in detail in each chapter one by one.

Here is the mind map structure compiled after reading the book and understanding it by myself:

Drawing a mind map for the first time, a new attempt

At the beginning of each chapter, some stories and empirical research are often thrown first, and the length is not short, as if listening to a speech. Impatient friends, you may have to be a little patient and wait until the author has laid out a certain level before starting to bring out the arguments he wants to emphasize.

#How do you live today how you live this life
#self growth


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