Reading Air | "Abandoned Cat: What I Want to Say About My Father"

The book "Abandoned Cat" is a memorial text written by Murakami to his father.
Title: Abandoned Cats About My Father, What I Want to Say Author: Haruki Murakami

Although Haruki Murakami is famous for his novels, I haven't been able to read any of them. For a long time, when I saw Murakami's name, I automatically avoided it. Until 2016, when I accidentally read "As a Professional Novelist", I realized that Murakami was a novelist. Very nice chat partner. "Being a Professional Novelist" is like chatting with Murakami in a cafe, listening to him talk about how to become a professional novelist, his dreams and opportunities. For me, Murakami's prose is more interesting than fiction.

After that, I read the Murakami Radio series translated by @Noreen . I really like Mr. Murakami's witty words, as well as the warmth and kindness in his words. All in all, I became a fan of Murakami in a sense.

When I saw the title of the book, I was a little taken aback. The abandoned cat, who was very against the wind, had something to do with his father. What did he want to say?

The book "Abandoned Cat" is a memorial text written by Murakami to his father.

Haruki Murakami was born in 1949, when the Second World War had just ended. As a defeated country, Japan experienced a painful recovery period. His parents, of course, both went through times of war. Whether victorious or victorious, civilians always suffer during war. Although, some Japanese have been showing the attitude of victims because of the atomic bomb being dropped, completely ignoring Japan's evil deeds in the war, and even appearing all kinds of strange logic to ask others to apologize to them. I can't understand it at all, and I don't want to understand it.

However, in any case, most of the suffering civilians, one of them, is Murakami's father.

A person's life is made up of the events encountered, sometimes because of one's own choice, however, in many cases, there is no other choice. War is such an unreasonable monster.

And except for the unreasonableness of war, in fact, blood ties are equally unreasonable.

As children, we may complain about not being able to choose our parents, but in the same way, parents are also not able to choose their children. We spent each other's visions of each other until there was nothing to look forward to.

Parents and children, apart from their biological similarities, are actually two people with very different life processes. However, the subtlety is that the shaping process of children will be greatly influenced by their parents in any case, whether they are intentional or not. Eventually, some part of the parent will be inherited in a form other than biology.

The relationship between Murakami and his father was not good, and they had not been in contact with each other for many years. However, after his father passed away, he still couldn't help but miss his father in memory.

A father who had been part of his life.

This little book is not so much written for readers as it is dedicated to Murakami's father who will never meet again. And the scars carried by the times kept flashing in it.

In one of the passages, Murakami mentioned that if it were not for the war, his parents would not have married, and he would not have survived in the world. And this is the same for me.

Without this war, Murakami and I would cease to exist.

The effects of the last war are still there, and humanity who never learned its lesson! The next war may be about to start.

Why do you still do it when you know it's stupid?

Thankfully, the cat returned home on its own and was not abandoned.

#readair| reading experience

grey blue @ matters


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