Unknown, making it a ravine

When I don't want to say anything / My heart is like a crumpled manuscript


Write the first line in your journal:

On May 27, menstrual flow started to slow down.

But I was surprised when I reacted

What does it sound like

suddenly a little abstract

like what happens on the internet

a fictional

or a long-planned disaster

Menstruation just leaves my body

So it becomes a line in the phone


sometimes talk a lot

Whoa, whoa, whoa, falling in a string at my feet

As if to soothe a heart

It becomes full, exuberant, naked and innocent

But when I don't want to say anything

This heart is proud like a crumpled manuscript

already filled with dense monologues

Unknown, making it a ravine

"The Home Under the Gaoligong Mountain"

I met him in front of the handwritten paper museum

His name is Chaoyang in pairs, it is impossible

The passers-by in the sun that day were alone

He stretched out his hand and patted, and the horn on the tricycle finally shut his mouth.

When someone sits under a tree and eats a bowl of pea flour rice noodles

Standing in the middle of the road with his hands behind his back, he gestured to the handwritten paper between his hands

It was said that it was made at home in the past, but in the end no one wanted that kind of paper anymore.

- so now selling pea jelly

But it was unspoken, and it wasn't necessarily bitter

Before one's unbearable compassion begins to overflow

His hearty laughter followed the children's scooter on the bluestone slab

Point to Gaoligong Mountain and a few palm trees opposite the rape blossoms

"My house is behind that, come and play when you have time."

So I often think of this afternoon

I remember it was at the foot of Gaoligong Mountain

He has a home that wanders at any time

Can introduce to strangers


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