Reading Notes "Chen Yinke's Lectures on the History of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" 4

The Southern Dynasty has less than three hundred years of history, and both the great gentry and the armed gentry have already passed their time. It is the turn of the southern indigenous lords to rise up for "a few romantic figures". Originally everyone thought that northerners would fight and be more brave than southerners. But after the Liang Dynasty, the descendants of immigrants from the north had become "brittle skin and soft bones" and could not be used much.

Chapter 10 The Rebellion of Sun En and Lu Xun (399-411)

"It is a common phenomenon in Jiangdong to exclude and suppress the gentry who crossed the river late and lost their marriages."

It turns out that there is such a way of saying "marriage is lost." Lonely again. In fact, think about this phenomenon has always been there. During the Anti-Japanese War, those who were officials of the Japanese puppets or married Japanese wives, even if they were not convicted as traitors later, would probably still have their tails between their tails. However, in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, "marriage and eunuchs" did not only refer to oneself, but also to other members of the family. It is very easy to eat relatives' hanging fish.

The Wudoumi religion also uses the pretext of helping people see a doctor to gather believers, just like Christianity in later generations. At that time, the Five Dou Rice Religion was not only popular among ordinary people, but also had a great influence on the upper class. Even the children of the royal family were named Sima Daosheng and Sima Daozi (364-403).

From the description in the book, I did not understand what the political demands of this uprising were.

Chapter 11 The Chuzi Group and the Transfer of Jiang Zuo's Regime

Tao Kan (259-334), born in a poor family, was able to write and perform martial arts. It is said that it may be a local minority. It must be the ancestor of "moving bricks"

Jingkou Chuzi: Northerners in the Southern Dynasties (fleeing)

Among the Nandu nobility, they saw the Nagamon clan by force, and were the main armed forces of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (relying on them to win the battle of fat water)

Most live in Jinling County, and most are concentrated in Jingkou (now Zhenjiang)

Jingkou is the Jingkou where Xin Qiji "reminisced about the ancient times at Beiguting in Jingkou" hundreds of years later.

Earth Break: Let Migrants Join Local Household Registration (Another Refugee Policy Issue)

The Southern Dynasty has less than three hundred years of history, and both the great gentry and the armed gentry have already passed their time. It is the turn of the southern indigenous lords to rise up for "a few romantic figures". Originally everyone thought that northerners would fight and be more brave than southerners. But after the Liang Dynasty, the descendants of immigrants from the north had become "brittle skin and soft bones" and could not be used much.

I am reminded of Francis Fukuyama's "Identity Politics: The Thirst for Dignity and Identity". In that era when conflicts between multiple ethnic groups continued, and many people traveled far away, people would be more persistent in the concepts of "nation", "hometown" and "identity" than our contemporary people. This obsession led to the pursuit of power, which then led to continuous wars. At least on the surface, the situation at that time was quite similar to many political and military conflicts in the world today. In other words, in the past two thousand years, human beings have not actually grown and progressed.


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