[Know how to eat and drink] Does the epidemic increase the risk of depression? There is a lot of mystery in ingesting food! Fat fiber is essential~

The epidemic has lasted for a long time... Everyone is starting to feel depressed, and there is no way to fly, and staycation is afraid of infection... I believe that all Hong Kong people are under a lot of pressure~~~~~ Vice Chairman of Chinese Medicine Meridian Beauty Association Ms. Leung Meilan suggested that everyone should consume more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to help fight stress. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in deep-sea fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc. However, if you have vegetarians at home, you can also get them from soy products, nuts or vegetable oils.

The epidemic has lasted for a long time...

Everyone started to feel slumped, and there was no way to fly, and they were afraid of infection during staycation...

I believe that all Hong Kong people are under a lot of pressure~~~~~

Ms. Leung Meilan, vice-chairman of the Chinese Medicine Meridian Beauty Association , suggested that everyone should consume more food rich in omega-3 fatty acids to help fight stress. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in deep-sea fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc. However, if you have vegetarians at home, you can also get them from soy products, nuts or vegetable oils.

There are two essential fatty acids in the human body, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, which are synthesized by other bodies; fatty acids and glycerol also form "triglycerides", which can be called components of adipose tissue and help us store Heat, warmth and protection of internal organs. Fatty acids include saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and unsaturated fatty acids are further subdivided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

When the body lacks fatty acids, the skin will appear abnormal, such as dryness, scaling, rash, etc.; it may also affect women's menstrual disorders, anemia, constipation; the most important thing is that fatty acids play a role in the brain, nervous system, and immune system. It plays a role in maintaining function. Once it is out of balance, it will form a bone rib effect, and the impact cannot be ignored!

Next is dietary fiber . In addition to making us feel full and helping digestion, foreign studies have also pointed out that a high-fiber diet can eliminate stress, anxiety and depression. It will help maintain cardiovascular health in the long run. Ms. Leung said that most vegetables and fruits are good sources of dietary fiber. She also emphasized the importance of "not eating from time to time": "Nature has actually helped us choose. The availability of seasonal and seasonal agricultural products is excellent nutrition." In fact, we now buy vegetables and fruits that are available all year round in supermarkets. Have you ever thought that the risk of eating pesticides or preservatives may increase due to the needs of preservation and transportation?

#essential fatty acids #antidepressant#dietaryfiber#omega3


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漢斯·阿斯生命在於旅程。 我們都是不完美的人,但注定要做偉大的事情。 我跌倒的次數比我願意承認的要多,犯了很多錯誤。 底線是,不要害怕, 接受它!
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