The original taste is the most beautiful, because the heart that never grows old

Original flavor, including appearance and psychology, after life experience and understanding, what remains is the most sincere heart, the heart that does not fear the roar of monsters in reality, cherishes opportunities, and has the courage to be one's own child.

2021.09.21 The first launch of Pathfinder2022.03.02 The second launch of Matters

I'm still the same boy I used to be, and I haven't changed in the slightest.

When I was young, my mind was always pure, and I didn’t have to worry too much about doing things. Without hurting others, I could try whatever I like, and there is no problem with face.

As I grow older, I have more contact with things, and more and more things to worry about. I worry that I have no ability or financial resources. Because there are too many uncertainties in the future, I dare not do anything; even if I do it, I am afraid that I will not be able to bear it. The risk of outsourcing, the blame of others, the guidance of everyone, and the stressful days consume the essence of life bit by bit.

It seems that when he grows up, his courage is exhausted by reality, so he chooses to roll inward and lie flat, and has no extra strength to do other things.

"Why did you become so dreamless?"

One day, my mother said these sad words to me.

At that time, I had no passion for writing, no self-confidence in design, and I considered myself worthless, and finally chose to stay and get paid to live.

At the time, I had just graduated.

The "original taste is the most beautiful" in the title comes from the calligraphy gift, and things will start from 2017.

That year, I officially entered the workplace, and my first job was as a housekeeper at a homestay. The proprietress of the homestay is a mother-in-law (we call her grandma), who is kind and friendly, and is very popular. Many friends or regulars will come to the homestay to find her.

One of them is the calligrapher Wang Zhiyang.

According to Grandma's description, the former teacher Zhiyang was defeated by real life and became frustrated. Later, he taught calligraphy by himself. He has a free spirit under the brush and ink that is not subject to secular norms, and is full of positive energy; behind every calligraphy, there is a Warm and touching story.

One day, Mr. Zhiyang came to visit my grandmother to catch up with the old and stayed for one night. That was my first meeting with the teacher. I have forgotten the details of the conversation that day. All I remember is that the teacher took out a book from him and gave it to me after the words "the original taste is the most beautiful" on the inside page.

"Read the book!" The teacher did not forget to exhort.

It is a heart-warming book. It is written in Chinese ink, and gathers the teacher's calligraphy inscriptions, as well as his own stories and experiences. The title of the book is "Sense".

feel. move. grateful. comprehension.

The original taste is the most beautiful. Maybe it corresponds to the fact that I was a newcomer to the society at the time. Before I was blackened by the worries and pollution of the world, I was relatively pure and kind. At the same time, I also hoped that the future would also be good for myself. The original taste is beautiful because it has not been carved by the world and has not been rolled into the red dust, so it is pure and beautiful.

Years later, when I turned the page again, the inscription was still full of energy and the softness of calligraphy. However, the feeling is a little different than it was at the time.

The original taste is the most beautiful, and I divide it into two levels to explain:

How old am I, I define myself

Maybe it's because the colleagues around him are young, and they have the illusion that they haven't grown up yet, but it doesn't mean that their thinking and logic are immature and their actions and behaviors are naive.

I am 27 years old this year, and my mental age is 30+ years old, and I feel that I am stopped at 21 years old.

Maybe it's an original flavor.

I feel that I am still a young man, can run, jump, and do a lot of things. It seems that I am still far away if I don’t feel that I will face the life with the prefix 3 in three years.

I have always felt that every friend on Pathfinder is very young, and Matters is also very young. There is energy and vigor between the lines, and they are all about the same age as me (Can laugh)

Ah, if I make you old, I'll say sorry first.

Off topic, why not stop at 18?

I think 18 years old is still too young, just beginning to learn how to be independent and independent, and some thinking can only be realized after the prefix 2.

Family frozen age gene, appearance is more than 5 years younger than actual age

Because my skin is sensitive, the result of wearing full makeup for a whole day is acne breakout. Therefore, when it is not a major event or a date trip, I go out without makeup, including work.

There is no heavy makeup to paint another face, no one is deliberately like someone, the heart is born from each other, what reveals is the most real self, no pretense or excessive burden.

In addition, the relatives in the family seem to have frozen age genes. Whether it is me, my brother who is over 30 years old, or my mother with silver hair, the appearance age is more than 5 years younger than the actual age.

For example, I am often asked if I have graduated. When I say that I have graduated for a period of time, most of the other people's reactions are "Ah? It's been so long!", "Yes! I can't tell you, you look like a student. Woolen cloth!"

Su Yan + Frozen Age = Original flavor that belongs to me

One day a few years later, when my mother heard from my brother that I had started writing again, her eyes shone brightly, and she said excitedly that she wanted to see my work. I will always remember her happy expression at that time.

Her daughter, got her dream back.

Original flavor, including appearance and psychology, after life experience and understanding, what remains is the most sincere heart, the heart that does not fear the roar of monsters in reality, cherishes opportunities, and has the courage to be one's own child.

I remembered the book that Teacher Zhiyang gave me. The life stories in the book have the teacher's full enthusiasm, from seeing and hearing, to action, to understanding, and constantly convey such beliefs: feeling, moving, gratitude, and insight.

Photo By Burst

I think this is also the original flavor of Teacher Zhiyang.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓兒愛貓成痴,但是又對貓毛過敏的女孩。 從精神上的貓奴,變成實質上的貓奴,喜歡貓咪呼嚕嚕的幸福聲音。 星座是大貓座,但個性很像家貓,喜歡放假一個人窩在家裡,享受一個人的獨處,沈浸在自己打造的文字世界裡。 期待自己的寫作風格,具有貓的優雅與貓的狂野,剛柔並濟。 我是貓兒,這是我的故事。
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