🍃The days apart are not easy (the fifth day)

My child's class is tested positive for rapid screening, and classes are suspended + Kuang Lie, what can I do?

🧐Due to the nature of the nurse's work, I finished the third dose as early as mid-January, but because of my family relationship, I was also pulled by her to take the third dose, hoping to indirectly protect the children.

It's just that people are not as good as the sky, and the epidemic finally broke out. The number of cases is increasing day by day, rising day by day, and it has even reached 10,000 cases recently, and there is no sign of fading!

Later, the fever spread to the school. After a while, just because there were students in the child's class who were quickly screened positive, the class group was instantly fried. Most of the messages from the parents were "Really? What should I do?" "Then I also want to Quick screening?" "I have three children at school, what about my brothers and sisters?" "I don't have quick screening kits at home, what should the teacher do?" The real-name system will take a long time to line up...

The point is that the teacher is also listed by Kuang , and if you want to help, you can't help.

🎧 I don't know

Since the whole class my brother was in was listed, I took a precautionary help for my brother to ask for leave. However, on the first day, I still had to go back and finish the work. I was not sure whether the diagnosis was confirmed, because it was only positive for the quick screening, but soon after going to work, the teacher said that my classmates were confirmed by PCR! It is necessary to provide a phone call to the school to accompany the parent. Later, it was relayed in the afternoon class group: The whole school will be closed until 5/7. Well, I had to finish work in a hurry and go home to see what to do next.

🎧Quick screening reagents that are out of stock in Taiwan

Because the students who were detained by Kuang Lie needed their parents and teachers to report the quick screening results, but they had not bought the quick screening reagents at home. They wanted to go to the Taichung City Quick Screening Station for testing. Therefore, I urgently bought 2 reagents from him, and the price of one was NT$290, but I still had to do it! I took the test for my brother early on Wednesday morning. Fortunately, the result was negative.

a line

🎧 The class reminds the health center to send text messages and phone calls

When we determined that it was the first day of separation on 4/27, we had already submitted our phone contact information, and the school immediately announced that classes would be suspended for 10 days. However, due to the Taichung City Government's announcement to synchronize with the central government, the "separation standard for those who are listed" was changed to 3 (home isolation) + 4 (going out must be quickly screened negative), the school also immediately changed, originally 5/9 classes resumed, It becomes 5/4 resumption of classes.

Due to the large number of confirmed cases, the number of confirmed cases in Taichung City is increasing every day. In addition, in order to ensure that people living apart have enough epidemic prevention materials during the initial epidemic prevention, they have provided enough relevant equipment, and even I heard that there are snacks, etc. , the confirmed patients will also have a simple blood oxygen machine, which seems to be very caring for those living apart.

Finally, I got a text message on Friday night notifying me that I had to fill out the information and that the e-fence would be activated.

However, I did not discover this text until the next morning, so I immediately filled in the relevant information and reported the results of the quick screening. In the morning, when the little nurse got off work, she asked her to line up to receive the epidemic prevention care package. The content is as follows:

The city government kindly gave Kuanglie and those accompanying people living apart with snacks and quick screening reagents. At least when the fourth day of quarantine expires and we want to go out, we can quickly screen to see the results. If it is negative, we can go out, and if we are positive, we must do PCR detection.

The following is a screenshot of some of the contents prompted on the LINE of Nantun Health Center

At present, my physical condition is not unwell, and I have eaten and slept well during the interval. Today, on the fifth day, I can go out for a walk after sifting Yin, but the weather is not good, I think it's okay.

Bless you all, stay safe and healthy!


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四季🎻音樂推廣職人|自由寫作者✍️ 🎧音樂不是聲音的藝術,而是時間的藝術🎧
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