The ostomy industry also blocks people's financial path: you lecturers who step in the gray area of medical law

A rare and angry essay is the beginning of my concern about the rights of mentally ill patients and cases of psychological issues. Various courses or lectures titled "Healing of Body and Mind" are proliferating, and formal terms such as "therapy", "interview" or "consultation" are flashed roundly, causing the client to spend a lot of money and time, and at high risk. in the interaction.

Strong word warning -
This article is not aimed at a specific person or thing.
If there is any similarity, it is the same. The picture below is just a screenshot to erase personal information.

This kind of "consultation, course, and treatment" that wanders in the gray area of medical law is very, very popular. Usually, there are unknown international certificates, various certifications, supplemented by religion, metaphysics, spirituality, etc. Words with a little conscience will add "Yes. Physical and mental disorders, please be evaluated by a physician"
Lectures, classes, and cases in the name of an individual or studio, usually with a strong community or an independent website

Will it really confirm the doctor's diagnosis?
Do you understand the diagnosis certificate?
What is scientific psychoanalysis?
What is personality?
Don't think that it's a great thing to have an international license, and speaking English is more advanced, and won't it even be considered a scam?

The common characteristics of Jianghu Warlocks:

  • Often has a strong community or operates an independent website
  • Plenty of case thank you notes or healing diaries
  • There are usually unknown international certificates and various certifications, supplemented by words such as religion, metaphysics, spirituality, etc.
  • Lectures, classes, and cases in the name of individuals or studios

To take the step of asking for help, frankly speaking, everyone has their own difficulties and needs to overcome many thresholds in their hearts. At the moment of weakness or low tide, it will be more difficult to judge the hand outstretched in front of you.
Is it a real life buoy, or an incompetent driftwood that made you drown. Don't let the people who want to take advantage of it to get in without help. I'm afraid it will cause more harm. "

In helping others, they need to have professional knowledge and abide by professional ethics because they are human beings like every helper.
Your money is worth being more fit to take care of your shape

Extended Listening: "Talking with Plants and Trees"Podcast IG

The counseling psychologist of two slash podcasts, to chat with you about my heart, I recommend listening to EP7 and EP8 first,
Ep7|What is Psychological Counseling? How is it different from chatting? Who needs it?
Ep8|Where can I find psychological counseling? How and how much?
After you decide to ask for help, about "what is counseling?", you can first listen to what Cao Mu has to say before walking into the counseling room and have reasonable expectations for yourself and for counseling.

Chicken Cake Warm Reminder

If you have any physical or mental distress, please seek professional medical assistance as soon as possible. I will not say that there are no liars and bastards in the medical world (there are many blacklists and greylists)
But in Taiwan, every person with a medical personnel license will at least not brag to you when facing every help seeker, "The guarantee is valid, I can definitely help you."
Because they know that they are human beings like every seeker

// The original text was published on Medium, supplemented with relevant links and rewritten //

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