Unenviable morning entry, unenviable entry into the country.

It is [tea].

Tang Dynasty – Lu Yu

I don't envy the golden thread, I don't envy the white jade cup.
I don't envy the dynasty to enter the province, and I don't envy the twilight to enter the stage.
Thousands of people envy the water of the Xijiang River, and once came down to Jingling City.

This is the famous "Six Envy Songs" by the tea god, in which "four no envy, thousand envy, ten thousand envy" totals six envy. Xian that the water of the Xijiang River flows to the Mausoleum City.

Why envy the Xijiang water? Because the water quality is good, it is suitable for drinking tea. Those fame and fortune are all insignificant.

Use this post to lead to the photo to be shared today – the tea factory .

I once wrote an article "The Laity is Too Much Wine, Who Can Help Tea Fragrance ", sharing the tea garden, the tea garden is the origin, the tea factory is the processing, the combination of the two has become another pride of Taiwan, tea gold .

Cha Jin, I didn't watch this movie, but I like drinking tea, especially black tea. This old Riyue Tea Factory, according to Zhiling, is one of the filming locations of Cha Jin, and the scene was shot in the tea factory. Just take everyone for a walk.

The Riyue Old Tea Factory is located in Yuchi Township, Nantou, near the Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area. The Assam black tea produced is of excellent quality. The old tea factory was formerly the Yuchi Tea Factory of Taiwan Agriculture and Forestry Corporation. After the 921 earthquake, it was rebuilt and transformed. , transformed from a tea factory into a tourist tea factory that produces black tea, organic agriculture, and promotes healthy diet and environment.

The black tea planted in Taiwan, Assam black tea, was selected to cultivate Ceylon black tea in order to counteract the market share of British black tea during World War II. At that time, the Yuchi tea area, with 3,000 hectares of planting, became the largest black tea in Taiwan at that time. export area.

Riyue Tea Factory, whose full name is Yuchi Branch of Taiwan Agriculture and Forestry Corporation, was formerly known as Japan's Mitsui & Co., Ltd. How many years has it been established? It must be over a hundred years old! The machines in the factory, according to the description of the " Orange Generation Website " :

Antique-grade tea making machine still retains the tea special rolling machine invented by William Jackson in 1872.

▲ Zhiling said that this scene appeared in the tea gold drama. A place where Atu Shi can show his talents.

However, I gave up taking pictures of the tea gardens around the tea factory and used the pictures of the tea gardens in Maohe Mountain.

Maohe Mountain has the development of black tea and the origin of Taiwanese black tea. The hometown of black tea is well-deserved. So the tea factory is the old Riyue tea factory, and the tea garden is the Maoheshan tea garden ^_^

The Riyue Tea Factory is a two-story building, and the photo below was taken on the second floor.

On the first floor, except for the special tea kneading machine in the second half, the main entrance of the tea factory enters the sales area for its products. I didn't shoot it because it was too advertising. For those of you who want to understand, you can take the time to take a look at the summer vacation.

I really recommend Sun Moon Lake, as well as the Shishui Trail and the Sun Moon Tea Factory, all of which can be visited!

About Sun Moon Lake black tea, you can see the following description: Hongyu No. 18, it is really fragrant~~

 In 1937, Sun Moon Lake Black Tea was sent to the auction in London, England. After being highly praised for its "Taiwan Fragrance", it was ranked among the top four black teas in the world, and even became a tribute to the emperor of Japan, and even Europeans and Americans fell for it. Currently, there are Assam Black Tea, Sun Moon Lake Camellia Purple Bud, Taicha No. 8, Taicha No. 18 (Red Jade), and Taicha No. 21 (Red Rhyme). Among them, Taicha No. 18 (Red Jade) tea soup has natural cinnamon fragrance and a touch of mint. Fragrant, extremely unique, it is currently the top black tea in Sun Moon Lake.

▲ The same is taken from the Orange Generation website .

write on the back

Thank you for not being able to respond yesterday, it reminded me of Gongqing seriously. At first, I mistakenly thought that Gongqing was a hint, not an official title. After careful inspection, I found that Su Shi's son's officialdom was ups and downs. Perhaps because he was too smart, it did not achieve the expected effect, so Su Shi would rather be a child. Duo Duo foolishly became an official smoothly, and I would like to thank him here.

However, it may be long after he sees the article, and he may ignore this article, but I still have to write... The treasure of Matt City is teaching and learning.

If you don't mark it, you won't be able to see it when you wait. Whoever said that he has more fans will read more articles, hehe! Therefore, this article has already "entered the province, entered Taiwan" to solve the problem.

What about Easter eggs?

The owl moth, it seems to be his name, there is a like!

What does this have to do with tea?

Indeed not. Ha ha

Easter eggs, don't force it~~~

Thanks for watching.


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