How to prevent blog content from being moved?

Dr. Dean
I am a creator whose website content is often plagiarized. At the beginning, like most people, I hated plagiarists. But until later, I discovered that this has become the "normal" in every creative field, and all we can do is to try our best to protect and stop it. Therefore, this article mainly wants to talk to you about the reasons for plagiarism and the coping skills, hoping to help every creator.

I. Introduction

In the previous post【 How to start a blog? In the blogger management method and website resource sharing ], the part at the end of the article mentions the issue of "blog articles are plagiarized", but only briefly, and this is to share with you in depth.

I am a creator whose website content is often plagiarized. At the beginning, like most people, I hated plagiarists. But until later, I discovered that this has become the "normal" in every creative field, and all we can do is to try our best to protect and stop it.

Too many people want to easily make money by writing articles. To be precise, they want to gain improper benefits by moving and copying other people's articles.

Therefore, this article mainly wants to talk to you about the reasons for plagiarism and the coping skills, hoping to help every creator.

2. Why is there a lot of plagiarism?

With the development of the modern Internet and the flood of information, to find any information, you may only need to open the computer and enter keywords in the search box, and you can get something.

This creates two big problems:

  • It is impossible to know who the original work is: the information is too complex and chaotic, most of the information sources are no longer available, and the content is used arbitrarily. Over time, most people pay less attention to content copyright.
  • Decreased ability to translate information: It is too convenient to obtain information, and many contents are already available, which leads to a decline in people's ability to inductively analyze and translate information, and the probability of innovation is low.

As mentioned earlier, people outside the market don’t know much about originality, but inside the market, there are even more people who don’t respect originality.

Human nature, sometimes, as long as it is about "money", no one cares whether you are original or not, as long as you have money, it is the best.

When everyone has a fluke mentality in their hearts, no one wants to care about this issue anymore, and plagiarism seems to have become a knowingly committed phenomenon in everyone's mind.

3. What should I do if a blog article is plagiarized?

Get in touch and communicate with plagiarists

As far as I know, in fact, most people don't want to "deliberately" plagiarize. Some bloggers may just start their business and don't know how to write a good article.

Then he may go to some authors he likes to imitate their articles, but often can't get it right, which leads to plagiarism accidentally.

Therefore, if I find that my article has been plagiarized, after the access certificate, I will try to contact the author first (generally, the "About Me" page of the website will have the author's contact information), and inform the other party that I have deposited the certificate. , and further communicate.

The content of communication will mainly mention three approaches:

  • completely remove the article from the site
  • Modify all similar text sentences
  • Add a link to my article at the end of the article

Submitting a search engine removal of search results

As long as the content of the other party's website violates Google's regulations (the violation items are as shown in the figure below), they can submit a request to Google to remove their search results.

So how do you report plagiarism? Proceed as follows:

  • Go to the "Removing Content from Google" page
  • Answer the questions according to your situation
  • When the screen jumps to "Copyright Content Removal", fill in some relevant information
  • After a while, when you search for the keyword again, you will see a line of words (as shown in the figure below) at the bottom, which means that you have successfully removed the other party's article from the search results.

Access relevant evidence and pursue legal avenues

If you have tried several of the methods mentioned above to no avail, or if you just want to take radical measures, you can sue the plagiarism.

However, because I have no such experience (and I do not hope to have) myself, I have summarized some things that must be paid attention to from the articles shared by some experience, and listed below.

  • Absolutely must pre-deposit
  • think about what you want
  • Consider looking for witnesses
  • Know where to file a complaint

V. Conclusion

Due to the layout, I can't share with you more tips on preventing plagiarism in articles. If you are interested in this and want to see the detailed content and experience, you can go to [ What should I do if my blog article is plagiarized? Must learn tricks, teach you to prevent and deal with plagiarism ] article view.

To be honest, there is a limit to what we can do. Even if we take all precautionary measures, it is only "to guard against the gentleman but not against the villain." There are thousands of ways for those who really want to copy you. .

Knowing more about this can help you have the quickest way to deal with a situation.

As for this article, I collected a lot of information and wrote it with my own ideas. In terms of correctness, I dare not say that it is 100% correct. If there are any wrongly planted parts, please leave a message or send a letter to let me know.

Finally, I wish you all the best of luck. You will not encounter plagiarism in the future. Even if you do, you can handle it smoothly.


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Dr. DeanDr. Dean 是一個專注於以簡單方式【輸入學習】及【輸出創作】的品牌。 更多內容請見:
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