NFTs don't make people rich overnight, they just expose value: the story of artist Zai

NFT will not make you rich casually, it just realizes your value through encryption technology, makes it tradable, and then you finally get the reward

The crypto world doesn't actually get rich overnight, it's just that the community takes whatever you do seriously

A while ago, my friend Zai from abroad sent me a private message saying that he is now a successful artist because his two works sold for about NT$150,000. Although this number is not to say that it is very amazing, but usually the works on Tezos can sell more than 10,000, we will think that this artist has a certain amount of weight. And the funniest thing is that this whole creative project is a sarcastic joke

XCopy is a very famous artist in the NFT industry, and the prices of his works are also super expensive. But maybe because the style of XCopy doesn't look difficult to draw, so many people imitate it. Zai is an artist/collector who has been in the community for a long time. He is very sensitive to every move of the entire crypto art community, so he later decided to make a work to mock this whole phenomenon.

The picture on the left is Guzzler by XCopy, and the picture on the right is B rogath by EsoTeroS, the author of the imitation style.

Zai opened an account called xer0x, and the author's description field clearly states: "If you copy a plagiarized work enough times, the quality of the final work will deteriorate to the point that it looks original", unlike other plagiarists who claim to be themselves It's original, and this account is clearly here to make trouble. As a result, XCopy himself saw it and liked it very much, followed and retweeted it. Since then, the account xer0x has become an instant hit.

If there were media coverage of the story today, he might say that Zai got rich overnight, is that true? I think Zai is a cultural researcher of Tezos at all. He usually spends a lot of time observing every move of the community. He also created his own DC server to interact with artists. For example, Taiwanese artists such as Chen Derui and Hong Yuhao have been invited to him. in the server. Zai observes and digests everything in the community to produce NFT works, which is not something that can be achieved overnight

Author page for xer0x: If you copy a copy enough times, eventually the quality will degrade to a point where it looks original.
The picture on the right is xer0x's tribute to XCopy. This work combines two original works of XCopy (RIGHT-CLICK AND SAVE AS GUY in the left picture and REACHBACK in the middle), of which REACHBACK is the only work of XCopy in Tezos. The piece was also posted on Tezos, so it made a lot of sense to incorporate that image. This xer0x tribute was retweeted by XCopy himself and hit 666 xtz sales

NFT will not make you rich casually, it just realizes your value through encryption technology, makes it tradable, and then you finally get the reward

Creations like Zai can be said to be "meme culture". In the past, memes could not be traded. If someone created a popular meme meme, even if it became popular, the original author would not get any benefit. For example, when Soybean Paste created the new Taiwan flag, the masses went viral on Facebook, and various manufacturers rushed to launch peripheral products, but the creator himself did not get any reward at all.

Not just memes, there are many things that couldn't (or couldn't easily) be traded in the past, like digital art too. After the works of digital artist Wang Xinren (Aran) were sold on Art Blocks last year, the media always reported that he became rich overnight. But Aran often said that he actually spent 20 years practicing Zhengquan under the waterfall, and it was not until the emergence of NFT that the day finally came to fruition.

xer0x's work Loser, this work is mocking EsoTeroS's photo theft incident. One day, EsoTeroS stole other people's creations and mint them on his own account. After being caught, he burned all the works, and then said that he did not steal the works himself. , it was uploaded by a German who stole his account

Therefore, in the world of NFT, there is no one who gets rich overnight, and the market will reveal a person's value very directly and ruthlessly.

But of course, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there is money, there are scams. Now, because the news related to NFT is too new and too complicated, many people jump in and buy randomly without knowing what is going on. So DYOR is the most important thing. Now the encrypted world is the Wild West, and you need to reorganize your equipment before you go on the road.

NFT is actually very spiritual, and it actually responds to the shortcomings of this era. It may seem incomprehensible at first, but as you go deeper into the world, you will find its fascinating

Zai's Twitter:

Twitter by xer0x:

The picture that satirized Refael Lima before is also the work of Zai. For details, please refer to the article of@bean paste:
NFT Story Collection: At this moment of disappearance, is it a canonization or a traitor?


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紐耶羅新媒體世界的定居者,加密世界的新移民。 自 2014 年開始互動新媒體的探索,開發互動裝置、應用 App、網頁程式等。2017 開始進行一系列的 AR 作品創作,曾多次獲得 Facebook 官方國際 AR 競賽獎項。2021 年開始踏入加密藝術世界,收藏有千餘件 NFT,也發行過許多作品。NFT 作品曾在台北當代藝術館展出。
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