Are you jealous today?


When it comes to jealousy, everyone is familiar with it.

From when we were young, we saw the girls we liked being teased by the rich and handsome, or the goddess we really wanted to get into the arms of scumbags, and then when we grew up and saw those who were richer than ourselves, we would all be jealous, jealous It's a perfectly normal mentality:

Others have, you don't, or others easily have what you dream of. The feeling at this time is jealousy.

It is normal, simple, existing, and has nothing to do with greatness or smallness.

But the thoughts and actions behind jealousy are the absolute factors that determine whether there is any benefit.

We often see similar remarks under some videos or articles. For example, if someone posts a house, someone must comment:

Hehe, there must be some ill-gotten gains...

How much money is there...

This is a kind of mentality of "what I don't have, you can't have it either, because I abide by the law, you have it, you must be ill-gotten wealth".

Because only by thinking in this way, can I alleviate the imbalance caused by jealousy and feel more comfortable in my heart.

Or sometimes I post some chat records of flirting with girls, and there will always be people who comment, "I envy people who have two mobile phones";

Or some chatting videos on Douyin, the girls respond very well when they are joking, and it seems to me to be true, there will always be people commenting on the "Pretend Stranger Series";

These are all because of the mentality of "what I can't do, others can't do it, if others can do it, it must be fake".

Because only by thinking in this way, can the uneasiness caused by jealousy be relieved, and it is not that I don't work hard, but that it is definitely false, and it is impossible to do it even if I work hard.

What you don't know is the countless rejections behind those pick-up videos, and what you see is of course a selection.

This is the filth and filth of human nature. Don't be caught and say you are joking. Whether it is a joke or not is decided by the person being joked about.

What you have and I can't have, I'm jealous, unbalanced, so I throw dirty water on what you have, belittle, ridicule, so you're upset, I can feel better, right, give me Don't, you see I'm mocking.

Obviously, this is also the result of jealousy.

Moreover, the psychology of these results does not bring any benefits, on the contrary, it is very harmful to personal growth.

When you are accustomed to doubting the achievements of others, doubting the efforts and gains of others, and thinking that it is impossible to exist, you are actually building a palace, and this palace is your self-awareness of the world and society.

In this palace, businessmen earn ill-gotten gains, white and rich beauty are black fungus, and women marry men for money. You are avoiding, deceiving, and evading to understand the operating rules of the real world. In this palace, In front of the keyboard warrior on the Internet, it will make you feel very comfortable.

The end result is that jealousy gets you lost.

Jealousy itself is a power, others have it, I don't.

If what you think is that others have me or not, that what others have must be rubbish and fake, or that others have obtained it through ill-gotten gains, etc., then you will not gain any power, and will only distort your psychology.

If you think someone else has me or not, I'm jealous, but the next thing I think about is how can I have it, what is it that he did that I didn't do, how should I do it.

Then at this time, we will get the power from jealousy.

I hope you don’t only focus on his natural conditions when you look at great people. For example, Bill Gates’ first business was negotiated by her IBM director’s mother, but there are many children of IBM directors, and Bill Gates also only one;

For example, the father of the chairman of the Ma Yun Opera Association, such as Ma Huateng's 500,000 start-up funds in those years.

They may be off to a good start, but in the end, they do have a lot to learn.

Is it really difficult to admit that others are excellent?


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