Tasting Fun [19] Family Bread Custard Twist, Golden Butter Salt Croissant

I have to continue buying bread to digest the discount coupons, this time I bought Custard Twist and Golden Butter Salt Croissant...

I have to continue buying bread to digest the discount coupons, this time I bought Custard Twist and Golden Butter Salt Croissant...

Custard twisty

I chose this one because the name is cute Custard, but I have never been able to resist things like cheese and custard. Just by looking at its appearance, you can tell where the name Custard comes from. The appearance of the bread Towel wringing shape [eh? This description really makes it less delicious XD].

The custard sauce is also only on the outer layer, and there are some almond slices to increase the taste and aroma.

Outer packaging.

Bake it in the oven.

Roasting it really added a slightly crispy texture to the outer skin.

Although there is no filling, the custard sauce and almond slices on the surface are not too boring to eat, and the bread body has a soft texture.

This raw material is also quite complex.

Calories 399 calories per piece.

Golden Butter Salt Croissant

This one is more common. Since I almost tried the 49 yuan combination of bread and drink, I decided to try this one too.

In fact, this one doesn't look like a regular croissant, and the crust doesn't feel crispy either. It can be said to be a croissant-shaped bread?

Sure enough, it has the texture of ordinary bread, but the bottom is quite oily. It will not be boring if you eat it with a drink.

The ingredients are simpler than the previous one.

Each piece has 267 calories, although it is lower than the previous one... But I will choose the fat one XD. Does eating bread mean you will gain weight?

Peace on Earth

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