KalpaTech motion notification artifact, new motions of the Cosmos ecosystem are not missed


Romanian validator KalpaTech made this proposal notification artifact, which includes multiple Cosmos IBC blockchains. As soon as a new proposal is released, you will be notified. Exactly how this thing is used, let me find out.

1. Go to https://kalpatech.co/alerts and enter your email and password to register.

2. You will receive a confirmation email later, please confirm.

3. After confirming the email and logging in, select the Cosmos blockchain you need to receive notification of the proposal, then click the Telegram icon below, they will also support notification on Discord in the future.

4. After being taken to Telegram, you will see this screen, click "Send Message".

5. You will enter the Telegram chatbox page, click /start, and you will be notified if there is a new proposal.

Originally, I thought it would be good to use wallet.keplr.app . Anyway, it has a part to display the proposal, but when I found that LikeCoin, Chihuahua and BitSong, these blockchains KalpaTech that do not use the Keplr wallet interface, all included it, but it caused me to use it. interest. After all, the most important part of the Discord I participate in various projects is to see new proposals. If this thing works smoothly, it can save me a lot of time. If you have the same needs, come and try it.


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