Cat feces are burnt ashes, lard is waxed and applied.

This is a prescription.

Bald, as long as it is human, it exists in ancient and modern times.

▼Volume 33 of "Secrets from Outside Taiwan" mentioned:

 The upper six flavors are cut, wrapped in cotton, soaked with two liters of oil for seven days, and used every time you brush your hair. Health also.

It is said that it is the secret recipe of Cao Pi's imperial doctor for hair growth.

▼"Book of Jin·Yufu Zhi" - whoever:

帻, the clothes of the ancient sluts who are not crowned. Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty had a strong forehead, and he began to lead him to wear it. Wang Mang was bald, and he added his house.

Ti, is a head scarf, used to cover the hair, and because Wang Mang was bald, he added a layer of crown outside the tiara to become a "house", imagining that the house might be very luxurious, with luxurious packaging to cover up his baldness! !

This is true for emperors, and even more so for writers and artists. Bai Juyi and Du Fu are both troubled by their hair.

Bai Juyi's "Sigh and Hair Fall"

Sick and worrisome, self-awareness, and fading before age.
No need to cherish when the comb falls, it must eventually become silk if it does not fall.

Just a few jokes that are exclusive to me, only people who know Red can understand, echoing Xiaolu's jokes.

One day, my body was slightly ill, at the beginning of the epidemic.

Enter the clinic. The doctor asked, "How is it today?"

"Report to the doctor, I have caught wind evil and become dizzy."

The doctor looked up.

"There is no hair on the head, I am worried about a stroke, so be careful!"

Vernacular translation:

 "What's the matter today, what's wrong with you?"

"Dizzy, a little cough... But I don't have a fever, so I shouldn't have the infection!"

The doctor put down his work and looked at me.

"You didn't shave this hairstyle on purpose, right? It's cold, you don't have hair protection, be careful, it's easy to cause a stroke..."

So, the doctor said some stroke prevention.

I have been taught, nodding frequently, but,

I only have a cough, how can I become a stroke health teacher? ? ! ! !

One day, I took my puppy to the hair-cleaning salon to comb my hair.

Awaiting the edict. "Dare to you sort it out?"

Seeing me like this, all the people in Jingfa Club bowed their heads and said nothing.

Vernacular translation:

 Take the family and children to the barbershop for a haircut, that kind of 100 yuan quick cut.

As soon as I entered the store, the designer saw me......: "Can I get a haircut?".

When the customers in line saw me, they pretended to look down at their phones.

"It's not that I want to cut it, it's my child!"

After speaking, the designer and the guests in line were relieved and stopped laughing.

Another day, I took the puppy to the hair-cleaning agency to comb the hair.

Entering the store, a certain boy saw this and said to his mother, "No hair, what's the reason?"

The mother motioned to her son to shut up.

Waiting for the edict to answer: "It's his son who sorts it out, it's not someone else, don't blame it!"

Vernacular translation:

 One day, I brought a puppy for a haircut, which is a quick cut for 100 yuan.

As soon as I entered the store, an elementary school child looked at me and said to my mother, "How can I cut my hair if I don't have hair?"

The mother blushed immediately and told her child not to talk nonsense.

The designer immediately said, "It's his child who wants to cut it, not him."

Dissolved the mother's embarrassing air.

The cat feces lard in the title is a prescription for treating head sores, but it is also said to cure baldness. In short, a few jokes for everyone to laugh at in this hot summer day.

Actually there are jokes.

Borrowing the topic, talk about that happy and contented.

Bai Juyi's "Sighing for Hair Falls" mentions that the hair fades before getting old.

But after sighing, he did "Screaming Hair Falls" again:

The morning also sighs and falls, and the evening also sighs.
Falling is sincere, but it is not evil.
Neither bother to wash, nor bother to comb.
It is most suitable for wet and hot days, with a light head and no bun.
Take off the dirty towel, and remove the dust network.
The silver bottle stores the cold spring, when the top is poured a spoonful.
Like daigo irrigation, sitting and enjoying the coolness and happiness.
Because of the enlightenment of the free monk, he is also good at shaving.

In this poem, he changed his mood and accepted baldness. The next four sentences show his contentment. A bald head can enjoy the coolness and happiness, and can be a free monk. Isn’t it a kind of happiness that you will lose your hair before you get old?

Baldness is really unsightly and inconvenient. Without the protection of the hair, the scalp is directly exposed to the sun, and the sweat of the scalp is not blocked by the hair, and it is easy to drip into the face.

I was also worried about hair loss at the beginning. Hair seems to represent a second life for men and represents self-esteem. Without hair, it seems to lose its charm... Extending the haircut cycle, covering bald parts... etc. are to cover up the fact of baldness!

Now, I live in peace, not by force, but by recognizing the facts . When my sister was studying in the United States, she sent me US 101 hair growth water. , the amount of hair less day by day. I was still young back then~

It's been ten years!

When I remembered that I decided to shave, Zhiling confirmed it to me again and again.

I just said: "Shave it, keep the back circle, like a Japanese kappa, it's more scary~~"

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I'm bald, like my grandfather, as mentioned in this article " Follow Mazu all my life, and auspicious times meet my birthday ". Can't say proud, but I really embrace it.

Did you see the cactus and the air pineapple? Whether the hair is sparse or full of miscellaneous hair, it is all plants.

Baldness is free and easy, not born.

At ease, not in nature.

It's just knowing how to adjust and accept it. The hesitation and struggle in the process are just not seen or spoken by people - to Tutu. Although I know she won't see it, I'm still a bitch!

Write at the back:

 "The Hairdressing Club" is the current barbershop.
"Wai Zhao" is today's hairdresser.

For this bald explanation, please refer to the following Tencent and Zhongshi News:

Thanks for watching~

What about Easter eggs?

my exclusive appointment

Do you think it was Zhiling who finally showed up?

In fact, I shaved my head now.

Also, I love taking kids to get a haircut...

Because, you can see other people's expressions!

Donating blood, I also encountered interesting things~

Ziqian and Sloth Girl from Xiangte City will know

Another day, share again~

Bald, my own joke.

Thanks for watching ^_^


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