How did the CIA use nursery shark prisoners?


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Earlier this year, two prison guards in Oklahoma were arrested for a Korean children 's song.

Because the two prison guards once locked the prisoner in the interrogation room and played the "Baby Shark" on the stereo to the prisoner's single for two hours.

The whole content of the whole song is that the whole family of the little shark comes out to greet you one by one. DJ Enhanced Edition .

Baby Shark Enlightenment English丨Classic Children's Songs - Enlightenment English丨Classic Children's Songs

Until the trial, the prisoner insisted that there was an invisible baby shark in his ear, singing "DooDooDoo"

But even though the two policemen have already been brought to justice, some people are still unhappy. One political prisoner shouted when he saw the media:

"CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) bastards have been doing this long ago."

Unexpectedly, it is still a well-informed political prisoner.

There is a Guantanamo Bay prison, although located in Cuba but owned by the CIA.

The BBC once sent reporters to make unannounced visits to report and found that the so-called "American human rights" could not stand up to scrutiny in Cuba.

Prisoners of war from different countries all blindfolded, put on headphones and played the theme song of the children's cartoon "Sesame Street" at maximum volume .

Play the melody repeatedly for 24 hours for brainwashing, not to mention Douyin sexually harassing your ear canal, the four boys on Sesame Street can now use their singing voices to serve America.

Image from Al Jazeera documentary "Torture", Taliban and Al Qaeda detainees at Guantanamo Bay

Sesame Street Stars - Classic 100 TV Theme Song

While listening to this song, prisoners reflect on whether they are terrorists

It is said that the prison benefits of the US imperialists are good, and even music therapy has to be the right medicine .

A set of nursery rhymes comes down to directly characterize "terrorists" who confess, and those who do not confess will be treated as "special agents". After all, who would have survived Sesame Street if they hadn't attended a spy training class ?

After all, cartoons are only enlightenment, and heavy metal can be used as a counter-terrorism attack .

An old man named Mohammed recalled the experience at the time. He said that whenever Marilyn Manson sang, all he could think about was the cousin who was taking drugs with her American boyfriend.

The Beautiful People Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People

When you know someone is tied up and listen to this song, you can realize that it is a luxury to shake your head along with you

As long as you enter the Guantanamo Bay Prison, no matter what you have committed, whether you are from the Middle East or Somalia, believe in Allah or Moses, you have to accept the washing of capitalism 24 hours a day.

Play Eminem (white rap star)'s "White America" and "Rap God" for black brothers, who said only black people can play rap? The more you listen to it, the more you can make up for it.

But if there is a God in the world, giving you premature hearing loss would be a miracle.

Rap God Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP2

‍The worst time Eminem was hacked

In less than three months, the prisoners were mad and stupid, the better ones were able to follow the rhythm and then woke up by high- pitched sounds .

The industrial metal Marilyn Manson Band, although the song style has always been the hell route , did not realize that their songs were really deadly until they appeared on the CIA playlist .

The lead singer Manson personally counted a playlist used by the CIA to torture prisoners of war and posted it on the Internet. The rock and roll youth who have been immersed in the rhythm of modern music for a long time felt that he would be a waste of money if he did not join the trumpet.

But just like when you watch Shibo, you always feel that others have accumulated eight lifetimes of good fortune, and when you really eat the horns of Haisai, you know that what you eat is all the hardships of life .

The Penguin Book of Hell deduces that there is more than one similar prison, and there are many more areas that have not been exposed.

No matter how delicate the melody is, you will be aesthetically impotent if you listen to it day and night, but those who still want to keep their last breath should admit it.

But after more than ten years , only seven war criminals confessed to participating in terrorist organizations and were transferred to regular prisons to serve their sentences.

More than 700 prisoners are still being held at Guantanamo Bay without convictions or lawyers, and they are still being interrogated because they are " suspicious ".

The picture comes from the website "Statues of Muslims": The CIA tortured Muslims with Duolingo

"I told all the lies of a man's life and they still couldn't get me out of here."

The brain is passively stimulated by high-decibel music all day long, and it is impossible to make up a story that can deceive a lie detector.

Some people have also thought of using a hunger strike . Since they can't cut the song, they can just do it on their own. However, there are ways to solve it without opening your mouth to eat. Liquid food enema does not need to be passed through the mouth at all.

The Society of Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) exposed physicians assisting the CIA by using drain enemas to ensure prisoners could not commit suicide through hunger strikes.

Detainee Majid Khan was forced to make liquid food with hummus, pasta with bechamel sauce, nuts and raisins and give him an enema through a latex tube.

The United Nations (UN) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) declared the torture a serious violation of the European Convention on Human Rights, and demanded that the US stop using "high-decibel music weapons" and close the Guantanamo Bay prison.

Members of human rights groups from around the world started marching activities, pulling up banners saying "Close Guantanamo Bay" in front of the White House.

I know that the United Nations is calling for human rights, but I don't know that I thought the White House was going to be demolished .

It is said that Hillary's aides also hired a mariachi band to beat gongs and drums on the doorstep of the White House every Wednesday, disrupting Trump's sleep.

If music is used as a weapon , the ukulele can also come up with a nuclear proliferation counterattack.

"I suggest they raze Guantanamo Bay, but keep a small cell and put the president in it! "

Angry musicians who learned that their own and their friends' music was being used to torture prisoners joined musicians from around the world to form the "Zero Decibel" association, which took a few minutes of silence before each performance.

Whoever raises musicians as arms dealers has to stand up and get shot.

The REM band even put on a hood and put on a prisoner's costume during the performance, and the CIA's old bottom was overturned at the performance site.

And called on all music fans: "Now is the anti-American period !"

But protests can only hurt their skin after all, and only the fiercest musicians know how to move their bones .

The industrial metal band, Skinny Puppy, sent the CIA a bill for $ 666.000 .

Although it is sending bills, it is not simply asking for money. The compensation is carefully set as the devil 's number " 666 ", mainly to convey the curse from rock artists.

Although I don't know if the curse will come true, since the CIA has been protesting for so long, the CIA can't hear it. If the court can really order them to pay compensation for pirated music, maybe they will be in pain as if Satan had cut half of their testicles .

If you want capital to bleed, you have to use real money as bullets


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