How can you be a friend if you haven't eaten a meal?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I recently heard an internet celebrity say:
"A friend is someone who can go out to dinner. How can you be a friend if you haven't eaten a meal alone?"

This statement makes perfect sense.
Although you have eaten alone, you may not necessarily be friends, but this is the minimum premise of friends.

Many people put the word " friend " on their lips, but in fact there is no relationship at this level at all.

Why eat alone ? The point is not " eating ", but "being alone ". If you can chat or chat with someone alone for a long time, I think you can be friends even if you are not eating . No one should misunderstand this meaning, right?

In other words, if you can't make an appointment for dinner, it's very likely that the other party doesn't want to talk to you alone, that is, he doesn't feel this way about you, and will naturally try to refuse to eat with you.

 When a man and a woman fall in love, they will first want to determine whether they have a "friend" relationship, and they will invite them to dinner first. If they can't make the trip after several invitations, it may be that they have not even passed the "friend" level, let alone dating.

It is a misunderstanding, I still want to stress again, even if you can eat and chat with each other, it is not necessarily a friend, but this form is the minimum premise .

In addition, eating and chatting with many people does not count, because the chatting methods of more than two people are not the same, and they can only say:

" Eating with multiple people " may be an outpost for promotion to "dining with two ", and " dining with two" may be an outpost for becoming " friends ", but this is only a premise. Whether you become friends in the end is still in your heart. line , understand?

Also, if the two meet for dinner because of a special business . For example, if your supervisor invites you to have dinner alone, or if you ask your insurance salesperson to have a meal and talk about insurance, or have a meal with the customer to discuss cooperation, etc., even if you have an appointment , you are not trying to chat with you, of course not. be a friend.

Many salespeople will create the illusion of " you are a friend " to sell products to achieve their goals. , is a way of dealing with people. If I want to sell your products, how can I not use the attitude of making friends with you? Should I use a dismissive expression? Everyone should know what I mean.) This is off topic.

But of course, there is also the opportunity to become real friends because of " business contacts ", but this deviates from today's theme and will not be discussed for the time being.

Do you have some definitions or premise of " friend " that you think?

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