350. If you are afraid no matter what, it is better to take a step

<One Person Company> What this book might not have to do with you at first glance, because you may not want to start a business but each of us is actually a company, we all forget that we can direct our own lives, it is we who decides the next playbook How to develop, everyone's life is an infinite game. Before the applause of the curtain call, your company will not go bankrupt, but this is not the case in real life.

<One Person Company> What does this book have to do with you at first glance, because you probably didn't want to start a business

But each of us is actually a company, we forget that we can lead our own lives, it is we who decide how the script plays out next, and everyone's life is an infinite game

Your company won't go out of business until the curtain calls, but that's not the case in real life

We are all afraid, afraid of being spurned, afraid that we are not good enough

But you won't know your potential until you start experimenting and pushing your limits

Courage doesn't come from being fearless, it comes from moving forward when fear is over

Time to step out, the word "adventure" doesn't seem to come out of our mouths when we grow up

Those dreams will always be in our hearts


  • I can choose my own path
  • I am true to myself and my values
  • I experiment with options
  • I may be scared, but I won't let fear stop me from trying new things
  • I can only live a meaningful life by constantly making choices and moving forward, overcoming my fears, and challenging my limits.

Who has no bumps in life?

We will all face the big devil, no matter if you step on it or not, the challenge will always find you

Don't be afraid to fail and hurt, we make choices every day, do you want to be timid and stay in your comfort zone, or do you want to step out and see every once in a while?

At the end of the day, what do you want your epitaph to say:

  • OOO, a life of ease
  • OOO, dedicate your life to OO things, change the world

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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