<<Swallowing hundreds of millions>>A wonderful story of a world-class financial money laundering case


What to do at home during the holidays when the epidemic is severe? Of course, lying on the sofa and reading a book

I've been fascinated by a book recently, which is <<The Whale of Hundreds of Millions: The True Story of a Young Malaysian Who Defrauded Wall Street and Hollywood>>. If you are usually interested in financial crime dramas or Wall Street movies, then this is the place to go. This book will open your eyes.


This book is a true story about a young Chinese from Penang, Malaysia, how Jho Low used countless shell companies to deceive the top experts in the financial world? Goldman Sachs is also among them. Jho Low used offshore finance and banking laws. Follow the loopholes and wash a huge sum of money between different shell companies


If you are a financial nerd like me, then you will definitely want to draw the flow chart of each character relationship and case in the book, and then for offshore finance/each bank mentioned in the book/Malaysian political and economic relations/ Geneva Bonded Station / The laws and regulations mentioned in the book, I will definitely use google to search a lot of information and study hard. A editor himself is reading and researching, only to find that we are in Taiwan, and we know too little about Malaysia. The sensitivity of international finance has not yet reached the realm of knee reflex, so you need to read more. Promise me, will you read less news that is not nutritious?

#murmur pushed this book early in the morning

#The Renaissance of the country starts with everyone's love to read


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Elena早上是在傳統金融業當支付產品經理,喜歡各種有趣的科技新鮮事,橫跨Web3&Web2領域。 晚上是城市薩滿,遊走這個中部世界,皈依大自然,堅信此生就是來地球好好玩耍一趟,最喜歡薰衣草與秘魯聖木與雪松。 崇尚大道至簡,在人生與投資哲學方面亦如是。
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