Viewing Experience | The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life

呆比 Debby
In view of the deep understanding the book gave me, I couldn't wait to watch the exciting life organization magic as soon as it hit the shelves on Netflix, and I can only say that it was not satisfactory...
Netflix's Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

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In view of the deep understanding the book has brought me, I couldn't wait to watch The Magic of Tidying Up Life as soon as it hit the shelves, and I can only say that it was not satisfactory... If the full score is 5, then I will give the book a 4.8, and the album 2 Points, basically the process of each episode is similar. Mari Hui visits a family to guide how to organize and store. First, perform a religious ceremony, kneel on the ground, close your eyes, and "communicate" with your house. This actually makes sense. Yes, let people construct the appearance of an ideal life in their minds, open their eyes and find that there is still a great distance from their imagination, and they will be more motivated to discard unnecessary items.

Okay, I started to organize. I took out all the clothes and spread them on the bed or the floor. Pick them up one by one. "Does it make your heart pound?" , in the same way, in the end it is memoirs, photos, souvenirs.

I think the biggest problem is that she helps people in the US with housekeeping! Big house with front and rear yards and garage! Even their "small" apartments are still spacious (crying) for Asians, which are generally cramped and crowded, The space must be used to the fullest. Marie can play the best role in this environment. If there is a lot of space, it doesn’t matter if you store it as you like. All Americans have to do is to throw it away, causing each episode to look like a set formula. I will probably see the third episode. paralyzed.

Not entirely without merit, of course, but if you don't want to spend time watching repeats, I recommend two of these episodes:

ep.3 Downsizing

Moving from the countryside to the city/I can fully understand their feelings. In the past, our family lived in a four-story building in the countryside (including the basement). Now, in order to move to the city conveniently, we live in a three-bedroom, two-bedroom suite, which instantly changed from the fourth floor to one floor. The change is huge, systematic storage has become super important, and no matter how you store it, the clutter can’t be piled up too much, and it is bound to be abandoned. The items used have accumulated thick ash, and even become moldy. Although there are four floors, I believe that the space used is less than half. Compared with the current home, I know the number of items I own, The state, to be honest, I prefer the current life! While watching this episode, I kept nodding like a person who came over, "Yes! That's it!" "You will know later!".

ep.4 Heartbeat after losing

In an episode that sublimated sorting into spiritual healing, the heroine was afraid of touching her inner wound and did not tidy up her deceased husband's belongings a few years ago, but she thought it was time to put it down. Unlike the owners of other episodes, she did not keep the pestle There, she recalled without losing anything. After she made a decision, she started to organize without stopping. She choked up and became depressed for a while, but she did not slow down because of this. She knew exactly what she wanted, and she only kept one piece of her deceased husband. 's flannel shirt and a few memory items, the rest are given to charity, which is very good to shoot! Don't just go to the junkyard! It can be sold, bartered, and donated to those in need .

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