The Eye of Genie | Litang Travel (2)


I thought the legendary Eye of Genie was something similar to the "Inverted Conch", but when I arrived, I found out that it was a small pond.

Just looking at the pond, it is actually very inconspicuous. The only magical thing is that it is very close to a regular circle, so I wondered if it was artificially formed at first glance, such as letting a few kangba men turn it in the hands Wearing a lasso, riding around in circles, etc.

I searched and found no evidence to support my assumption.

This season, the amount of water in the Eye of Gnei is very small, and most of the riverbed is exposed. It may also be because of this that there are many small flowers on the riverbed, making it appear rich in color in the lens as a whole.

On the day we first arrived, the sun was setting in the west, and we were in the direction of the backlight, and the photo effect was not very good. Early the next morning, I came to the same place again. At that time, the sun was rising, the light was soft, and Genie's eyes were reflected on the Genie Mountain. It was really unusual.

Unfortunately, my friend's DJI drone crashed in the mountains the night before. That was us chasing the sunset all the way, bumping forward on the bumpy mountain path, trying to go around the other side of the mountain to see the golden mountain of sunshine. The mountain is too big and the road conditions are poor, so I couldn't get around it in the end, but I saw a little smooth side of the snow-capped mountain in a valley. We parked on the side of the road and headed up the valley trying to get as close to the snowy mountains as possible to take pictures. Xiao Li flew the drone there. At first, he showed us the real-time snow-capped mountain landscape sent back from his mobile phone. After a while, he said, "It's over, it's gone." That was the second time that the drone crashed. The last time was also on a plateau. The battery swelled and fell out of the fuselage during flight, causing the drone to fall. Fortunately, it didn't fly far that time and just landed next to it. Later, DJI provided free maintenance services. This time, he learned the lesson of the last time and used the rubber band. He thought it was foolproof. Who knows, the accident happened again. Flying too far this time, the pre-crash image appears to have landed on the hillside opposite the valley. Neither physical strength nor time allowed us to cross the valley to do search and rescue work. Regrettably, for a long time, the group went home angrily.

The mountains in the plateau are very cold, and the drone is alone, and I don’t know how to cry in despair at night, thinking that it has been abandoned.

I vaguely remembered the aliens in Ni Kuang's novels I read when I was young. They fell into a cave, had a certain adventure, and were able to see the sun again later. Silently good luck to the drone!

On the night the drone was lost, we stayed at a newly built inn in Nagando Village, Genie Township. The inn is a trial operation, and the owner is a 30-year-old Tibetan youth. Said that the family used to dig cordyceps and pine mushrooms for a living, and the income was okay. They just spent 1 million yuan to build this inn. I hope that in the days when I don’t go up the mountain, I can run the inn to supplement the family.

But his business is really casual. There are only half a plate of eggs, some noodles and some green vegetables to eat in the inn. If you eat noodles, you have to cook them yourself. After discussing it, I decided to buy instant noodles to eat. He asked his three-year-old son to take us to the only shop in the village. At night, there was a lot of dryness, and it was quite chilly. Brother Tian, who was sixty years old, even put on a cotton coat. But the kid was wearing shorts and short sleeves, unaware of the low temperature. On the way, I asked his name, and I guessed it after saying it several times. What he said was "Ding Zhencairen". For a three-year-old child, his Chinese is quite good, and we can understand our questions. Unlike his father, who sometimes looks dazed when faced with our problems. Ding Zhencai excitedly pointed to us when he passed a house, saying that he was studying there, in the first grade. Later, his father confirmed that it was actually a preschool. That's right, he's only three years old, although he seems to be much taller than a three-year-old city child in terms of stature and ability.

The village store, located in the yard of a farmhouse. Ding Zhencai took us directly into the house. The house was very warm. The family chatted around the fireplace and greeted us warmly, but stopped Xiao Li's mobile phone shooting. There didn't seem to be any shelves in the room, so I asked in doubt that the goods were in another room. The room is divided into two parts, one part has two tables, and several young people are playing cards. The other part is the shelf. There are only bowls of instant noodles, ham sausage, and several drinks. There was a cardboard box on the ground that was used as a garbage basket, and it was full of instant noodle bowls. Seeing us looking at them, the young people playing cards took the initiative to say hello and waved goodbye before leaving.

When he came out, Xiao Li said that it seemed that the family was not just a store, but could be the CBD in the village.

Back at the inn and paid the owner for the accommodation, he took Ding Zhencai on a motorcycle and left, leaving the whole building to us.

The conditions of the inn are very limited, and there are no curtains. And that's not all, there's an ever-burning light overhead that shines on us like the moon all night. In addition, the altitude there is close to 4000 meters. Brother Xiao N and I live in a triple room, and we all sleep well. I felt like I was tossing and turning all night, barely closing my eyes. But they said I was snoring all night and they almost wanted to find another room to sleep in. (There are many rooms in the inn, and the doors are all open.)

Maybe it was the lack of sleep that night that caused me to have a severe high reaction the next night.

It was hard until dawn, so I quickly got up to clean up and continued to make noodles. Just as he was about to leave, the boss came too late.

Later that night, another car came to the yard. When Xiao Li was pointing at the car to tell the boss about it, there was movement in the car. It turned out that the family did not push the door and slept in the car at night under a blanket. In fact, the door is open, as long as you come in, as long as you go upstairs, there are many rooms. It's just ordinary people, how can they be so courageous.

Landscape shot at Kangding Airport
Gonggar from Kangding Airport
Backlit Gnee's Eye
Mani heap in the village

Well, even in the large Kangzang area, even in Manidui, there are differences. Here, people seem to be used to stacking mani in human form, standing quietly and looking up at the snow-capped mountains. I said that I would ask the innkeeper when I went back, what was the point of this stacking method, I forgot.

Highland barley field in the morning
There is a yard at the entrance of the village, but there are no staff
Reflection of Genie Snow Mountain

Later, the clouds covered the snow-capped mountains, leaving only a sharp point
Backlight shot by drone
Looking down at the drone from a high altitude, looking at this picture, I can finally know why it is called this name.


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