Jianjia——The pursuit of the height behind

"Jianjia" is a different ballad from Qin Feng, which contains a kind of height of pursuit. We have been pursuing it all our lives, but when the pursuit fails, this poem provides us with a way of thinking about how to deal with ourselves.
The picture is taken from the Internet: https://itw01.com/VKOXLE8.html
The jianjia is green and the white dew is like frost. The so-called beauty is on the side of the water.
If you follow it back, the road will be long and blocked. Traveling back from it, Wan is in the middle of the water.
The jianjia is luxuriant, and the white dew is still shining. The so-called beauty is on the water.
If you follow it back, the road will be blocked and you will be able to advance. If you go back and swim from it, you will feel like you are swimming in the water.
The jianjia is collected, and the white dew has not stopped. The so-called beauty is in the river of water.

"Jianjia" is a beautiful poem. In the past, the interpretation and interpretation in teaching were not so accurate. In a lecture given by a chance meeting, I listened to Professor Xu Wenwei share his concept of reading poetry, and I found it quite interesting: Imagining poetry as a story gave me a different level of understanding of "poetry has no meaning". This concept was sown in my heart, and it also gave me a new understanding of teaching "Jianjia".

Although "Jianjia" comes from "Qin Feng", it is different from its aggressive style. It is a deeply affectionate and euphemistic poem. In his book "Human Words", Wang Guowei commented that "the poem "Jian Jia" is the most profound." "Jianjia" has a strong folk song color, and the simple words contain the poet's deep and sincere heart. Qing Niu Yunzhen commented on "The Book of Songs": "The first misty words in "Guo Feng" are very lingering and very confused. They are purely feelings, not scenery; they are purely distant, not tragic. It is a deep feeling, in the sadness of autumn. Outside of people, there are things that can be thought of but cannot be expressed, desolate and far away, and the taste is excellent." This kind of true, natural and unpretentious sentiment I regard as a display of "pursuit attitude".

Idea 1: The three states of water show the flow of time - pursuit is a kind of "persistence of choice"

"Jian Jia" has always been considered to be a love poem, while others regard it as a poem about visiting sages. As the saying goes, "poems are incomprehensible", no matter which interpretation is used, the poet's persistence revealed in the poem is touching. affection. The first clever idea in the poem is to use "the three states of water to show the flow of time" to strengthen the persistence and persistence of the poet's pursuit.

The poet begins his pursuit at dawn, and it is not the purpose that moves people, but the persistence of affection itself; and the end of the poem does not explain the results of the pursuit. The poet does not see a trace of giving up or hesitation in the infinite melancholy of not getting what he wants. I want to write "Jian Jia" What emerges is a deeper sentiment: Persistence is not just the persistence of moving forward blindly, but digesting the uneasiness of the unknown and still "choosing" to move forward, not letting your mood make you lose your rationality, and surpassing yourself in your sensibility. Only then can you It is a moving place, and it is also the beauty and sincerity that the poet insists on.

Ingenuity 2: The movement of space presents Yiren’s ethereal nothingness—how to deal with yourself when your pursuit fails.

The second clever idea is that "Jianjia" uses space to express the elusive shadow of a beautiful woman, which cannot be traced. So we might as well think about it a little more deeply, what could "Yiren" mean? Whether it is a poet or a reader, there is a "beautiful woman on the other side of the water" in his heart, which may be the ideal, goal, love, etc. he is pursuing. The value of this poem lies in the affection, so it also reflects my own life. No matter how actively I pursue it, I will always feel lost. Really good literary works allow readers to taste the various aspects of life and let us know that there is a perspective to face the complexity of the world. The poet's way of dealing with himself also provides us with life choices on where to go after our pursuit is fruitless.

When we still get nothing in the process of constant pursuit in life, how should we face it and how should we deal with it? The poet actually gives us a perspective:

1. If the lover is a lover: there is a kind of love called fulfillment

Fulfillment is also a kind of love. Fulfillment is not giving up, but understanding. I don’t need to be there all the time for other people’s happiness. Zhang Ailing once said this: “Because I have loved, I am compassionate; because I understand, I am tolerant.” Emotions You can't force it or force it. Having the courage to leave anyone and then establish a comfortable relationship is to love yourself and love each other. It's easy to say but hard to do. It's just that the poet told us that there is a kind of love when it is difficult to achieve it. , the height that one can face. I once watched a video that discussed love. It once used such words to arouse the audience's reflection: The people make a serious mistake in thinking that you give to those to whom you love, and the real answer is , you love those to whom you give.

True love is a kind of giving, not a kind of acceptance. We should examine our giving more instead of expecting the other person's reaction. Therefore, a kind of elegant height in the face of love is called "accomplishment". It is difficult, but it is a yearning. , although it is not the height that we yearn for, so next time when we face a love that has nothing to gain, we can think of a way to deal with ourselves called "accomplishment" instead of feeling sorry for ourselves. This kind of elegance and freedom is a great way for us to move forward. important attitude.

2. A beautiful person is an ideal and a goal: there is an attitude called acceptance

Everyone has limitations. Even if we try our best, there will always be unexpected situations due to the right time, place and people, which may make our ideals unachievable and our goals unattainable. Faced with our efforts to achieve our ideal goals, but nothing is achieved, we How should we deal with ourselves? Please accept that there will always be regrets in life, and please accept that life will always be unpredictable. Only by knowing how to accept and understand your own insignificance can you realize that success is not entirely what you deserve, and failure is not entirely what others deserve. There is even a height called "Success is not necessarily necessary." "In me", if it can help this goal get closer to realization in the process, wouldn't it be more important? Only by shrinking yourself can you see the whole picture of things more clearly.

Only by accepting impermanence and regret can you have the courage to choose to give up your ideals and goals and find other achievements in life; only by accepting impermanence and regret can you have the perseverance to choose to challenge your ideals and goals again and surpass yourself. No matter which choice you make, there is only a deeper truth. Only by seeking others from yourself can you become a better version of yourself.

"Gentleness and sincerity are the teachings of poetry." The breadth and depth of "The Book of Songs" lies in how much readers can understand and how it can be reflected in life. Only readers can make classic works shine again with their own life experience and cultivation. Therefore, I look forward to reading the book in the future. In the poems, you can savor these life situations carefully and gain some insights and reflections.

Category A essay theme song activities:

In order to enable students to better understand the touching feelings in the poems, I found two songs for students to listen to so that they can better understand the touching feelings in the poems.

1. Leslie Cheung's "Chasing Again and Again": Some thoughts on pursuing ideal goals

2. "Light Chaser" by Cen Ning'er: Some feelings about pursuing love


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