Three meals a day as a special guest actor

Today is Sunday and Father’s Day, but I still have to work and film a TV series. This is my first time filming a TV series.

Today's announcement was received at around 7 o'clock last night. It was today's 0645. The location was not close and I had to transfer, so I got up at 4:30 in the morning and planned to take the first bus out. Then when I woke up, I received the announcement at almost 12 o'clock last night. , said what clothes to bring. but! ! ! ! ! ! I! without! have! look! clear! Chu updated the time. It turns out that the latest announcement at 12 o'clock last night (I was already asleep) was 0745! ! !

No wonder there was no one there when I went there. I was just reading the script blankly.

Okay, back to the topic, because I thought I was in a hurry in the morning and didn't have a good breakfast, so I bought cakes for breakfast last night. I only had two pieces at one time. The mango cake tasted good, and the other one was Pack a cake wrapped in cheap paper, add a cup of instant coffee, and go out before dawn.

breakfast time
my breakfast today

This time we started working on the second set of scenes. The previous set was about eating the most common roasted rice in Hong Kong. It was not particularly bad, and the double portion was good. But today I don’t know if there are any canteens in the factory area that are still open on Sundays. I ordered curry beef rice. The portion was small, hard to eat, and the presentation was poor. I didn’t want to take pictures at all. The actors in the same cast did not eat meat today. She gave me all her chicken and I still wasn't full. The most uncomfortable thing is that there is no air-conditioning in the shooting place, especially in the dining area. There is no fan. However, the shooting scene is set in autumn, and I have to wear a thin long-sleeved top. My lunch almost melted. I really wanted to drink a cold drink, but Only the leading actors and crew members are provided with frozen lemon tea or milk tea. Extras and special guests are not provided with frozen drinks (class concepts are very strong in theaters, and there are restrooms exclusively for actors (this is reserved for celebrities, you just think you are an actor). Wrong)

But I really wanted to drink, so I asked the agent, and he asked a young girl to buy it for me, because the actors couldn’t leave, and because the special actors had a higher class concept than temporary actors (this is very wrong), but the young girl just Work as an errand for me. If the extra is unable to ask others for help, he has to take care of himself.

In fact, I am very conflicted. I hope that one day when I become more famous, I can play more supporting roles, and then my treatment will no longer be like that of an outsider. But I am also happy to advance and retreat together with the extras. I hope that everyone will give some applause and encourage the extras every time you watch a work.

Thanks for the help little sister

Today, after I got home from work around three o'clock in the afternoon, I originally planned to have something good to eat with my dad, but then my dad said that there were many people who went out to eat today, so he didn't want to go. He said that he would go to a tea restaurant to have the steamed fish and rice set meal as usual. He knew that I like to eat Teochew beef noodles, so he had his own meal. Although the restaurant I ate at was right next to my father’s restaurant, it was a completely independent dinner. You didn’t have to order me or you. It's just you, my dad is so open-minded.

Because I wasn’t full at lunch, I had dinner before six o’clock. This time I had a richer meal, including my all-time favorite frozen lemon tea, beef tendon rice noodles, fermented fermented vegetables and fried fish skin. It was delicious and could be eaten everywhere. Never get tired of it. Friends who come to Hong Kong must eat it.

Dinner at Teochew Beef Noodle Shop


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陳海雅現在專注演戲和創作的躁鬱病人 在Matters神出鬼沒
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