Fire & Motion 17

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeing quotes

 Logic is so poor that only money remains.


📕The so-called "I don't invest" means all in legal tender

The term "buying and selling" is itself a prejudice. It assumes that everything is traded in US dollars, and all idle assets are stored in US dollars. What's more, it also assumes that the US dollar is "stable". If you want to get rid of stereotypes, stop talking about "buying and selling" first, try saying "swap", tell the waiter at the tea restaurant that you want to swap a breakfast with 30 Hong Kong dollars, and tell the boss that you need to swap 1,000 Hong Kong dollars with physical strength for a day, this will help you Unlock the shackles of the dollar standard, and open up the vision of multi-directional flow of various assets.

Cherish the time when things have not yet been named. Each naming has its default world view, which in turn affects how we interpret it.

Success and wealth must be based on the causes planted by many pioneers, rather than individual efforts alone. Without Edison and Tesla, how would you have electricity; without Turing, how would you have a computer. Therefore, if a person succeeds, he should pay it forward; if he earns money, he will give back to the ecology; if he learns the tricks, he will teach others to fish; In short, spread the good news. Maybe, luck will return to you one day after going around in a circle. The earth is round, and so is bitcoin.

Keep giving.

There is an illusion of "absolute stability" because in daily life, the goal corresponding to stability is usually not stated explicitly, but is only implied between the lines according to the context. When we say that the price of vegetables and meat is stable, the relative is the Hong Kong dollar. It is said that asset prices are stable, relative to the US dollar.

Thinking from the perspective of Bitcoin, it is the dollar that fluctuates in price (laughs)

In the metaverse, there will be no longer a geographical division of personal affiliation. Individuals have a lot of choices—choose blockchains and applications that can realize the value they value; choose to use various cryptocurrencies as value determination, value storage and value exchange, and practice "diversity" in the true sense; choose the community they identify with, not to mention Only participate in one, but can freely shuttle between multiple communities. It is also because each community has different values, and individuals will have different encounters in it.

I quite like, and even agree with, this narrative. Rather than thinking about the cool new technologies in the metaverse, I prefer the metaverse as a medium to get rid of a single identity and allow people to move towards multiple values, a diverse community, and even become a citizen of the world.

📄 The Art of Not Taking Things Personally

Overreaction is often a sign that something else is going on that you aren't even aware of.

Such as blaming led by anger, anxiety led by a lack of visibility, criticism driven by shame, etc. Reaction and emotion are what we can see easily, but what we need to deal with is the unmet need underneath.

Advice is sometimes regret in disguise. Past experience can leave people wishing they'd acted differently, and this could be their chance to put things right and help someone avoid the pain they felt.

and I come to realize it might be the reason why I do give some uninvited advice.

📄 Why I Walk

I don't think you can know a place unless you walk it, because it isn't about distance, but about content.

It's just reminded me of trip to San Francisco, where I wouldn't manage to get into some great bookstores in town had I not chose to get around by feet. Walking force us to see a city in a more granular way.


🎙️ The Science of Effective Breaks

Going on a walk is a better break, because it doesn't use that much of mental effort, comparing to reading or strolling social media. Staring at something green or anything natural for just 40 seconds helps reduce stress level, and this also extends to "fake plant"!

🎙️ Emily Balcetis: Setting and Achieving Goals

Some takeaways from this fantastic conversation: One of the ways to help accomplish goal is to think about the obstacles along the way. Just like coming up with plan B. Creating a mental map for bumpers on the road makes it easy to pivot, so we don't constantly think of "what should I do?" "what's the backup plan?" Furthermore, when it comes to the timeframe for planning, plan for a week instead of a day help us "find more time and more space", since we tend to think of whether something is feasible and desirable when it's distanced from us.


🎥Sea Street Diary

Seeing things and being able to fully feel the beauty is still very, very happy.

Outside Interest!

🎶 Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - From Ryuichi Sakamoto: Playing the Piano 2022

🎥Brené Brown on Blame


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