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Justin Sung
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Fire & Motion 17

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting quotes



📕所謂「我不投資」,就是 all in 在法定貨幣

「買賣」的說法,本身就是成見,假定了一切皆以美元交易,所有閒置資產都以美元儲存,更嚴重的是,因此也假定了美元就是「穩定」的。想要破除成見,先戒除說「買賣」,試著說「swap」,跟茶餐廳伙計說要以 30 港元 swap 一份早餐,跟老闆說要以一天體力 swap 1,000 港元,這將有助你解開美元本位的枷鎖,開拓各種資產多向流動的視野。

珍惜事物尚未被命名的時候。每一個命名皆帶有其 default 的世界觀,進而影響我們如何解讀。

成功和財富必然是基於很多先行者種下的因,而非單憑個人努力。沒有愛迪生和特斯拉,你哪有電;沒有圖靈,你哪有電腦。因此個人成功了,就該 pay it forward,賺到錢就回饋生態,學到竅門就授人以漁,得到地位就扶持弱勢。總之,要把福氣傳開去。說不定,福氣繞一圈後,有一天會回到你身上,地球是圓的,bitcoin 也是。

Keep giving.


從比特幣為本位思考,反而價格浮動的是美元呢 (笑



📄The Art of Not Taking Things Personally

Overreaction is often a sign that something else is going on that you aren’t even aware of.

Such as blaming led by anger, anxiety led by a lack of visibility, criticism driven by shame, etc. Reaction and emotion are what we can see easily, but what we need to deal with is the unmet need underneath.

Advice is sometimes regret in disguise. Past experience can leave people wishing they’d acted differently, and this could be their chance to put things right and help someone avoid the pain they felt.

and I come to realize it might be the reason why I do give some uninvited advice.

📄Why I Walk

I don’t think you can know a place unless you walk it, because it isn’t about distance, but about content.

It's just reminded me of trip to San Francisco, where I wouldn't manage to get into some great bookstores in town had I not chosen to get around by feet. Walking force us to see a city in a more granular way.


🎙️The Science of Effective Breaks

Going on a walk is a better break, because it doesn't use that much of mental effort, comparing to reading or strolling social media. Staring at something green or anything natural for just 40 seconds helps reduce stress level, and this also extends to "fake plant"!

🎙️Emily Balcetis: Setting and Achieving Goals

Some takeaways from this fantastic conversation: One of the ways to help accomplish goal is to think about the obstacles along the way. Just like coming up with plan B. Creating a mental map for bumpers on the road makes it easy to pivot, so we don't constantly think of "what should I do?" "what's the backup plan?" Furthermore, when it comes to the timeframe for planning, plan for a week instead of a day help us "find more time and more space", since we tend to think of whether something is feasible and desirable when it's distanced from us.




Outside Interest!

🎶Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - From Ryuichi Sakamoto: Playing the Piano 2022

🎥Brené Brown on Blame