Q Bo is not doing business with a small diary-Day 77

I've been spending more time at home recently, and I watched "Why Sleep? "This book. Although I haven't read it yet, I want to record some interesting knowledge with my own understanding and share it with my friends~

"Why sleep? "Walker Matthew Walker is a research scholar who has delved into this question for more than 20 years. Over the years of human development, many experts in the field of biomedicine have already discussed many physiological responses and mechanisms, but this is the only thing that everyone in the world spends almost 1/3 of their life doing - sleeping, there is still a lot of unknown!

The opening chapter of this book is very interesting! Because the author is well aware of the importance of sleep to human health, he also specifically stated that he would not feel offended if he fell asleep while reading the book! Because nearly one-fifth of the world's people suffer from insomnia, and it is his honor to be able to help him sleep successfully!

Here are a few things we can easily know about sleep:

1. The beginning and end of sleep is mostly due to the control of the body's own nerves and hormones, which is not directly related to sunlight.

The ancients said: work when the sun rises, and breathe when the sun enters. It is as if people's work and rest are controlled by the rise and fall of the sun. However, an experiment abroad has found that when people live in a completely dark cave for 32 days, they still have a certain cycle of wakefulness and sleep. And after calculation, in fact, a complete cycle of waking-sleep is not 24 hours, but 24 hours and 15 minutes!

So when the experiment of the people in the cave is completed, the body's cognition of time is somewhat different from the outside! Although the cycle of the human body itself is a little longer than one revolution of the earth, our eyes are stimulated by sunlight to recalibrate our body time to a precise 24 hours! It's amazing!

2. It is more difficult to adjust the time difference by flying to the east coast than to the west coast

Do you feel the same way when you travel abroad by plane? Or is it because I slept all the time on the plane and couldn't figure it out? ! what! But to follow the above body rhythm, because the human body itself has 24 hours and 15 minutes a day, so flying east becomes to go to bed early, which is not easy for ordinary people! Conversely, flying west means you will start sleeping later, which is relatively easy on our own biological clocks! After all, we have 15 minutes more~

3. The rhythm of the body is constituted by "circadian rhythm" and "sleep stress".

The "circadian rhythm" is the above-mentioned 24 hours and 15 minutes, which is mainly regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain. He regularly starts to have awake signals around 7:00 in the morning, and is the clearest at early noon, after which the activated signals will begin to decline and slow down, making us feel like sleeping and resting.

"Sleep stress" refers to the accumulation of adenosine (adenosine) in the brain once a person is awake. When he accumulates to a certain level, it will prompt the human body to generate sleep pressure, making people drowsy. This accumulation is that as long as you are awake, the concentration will continue to be superimposed! Everything has to wait until you're asleep before it's cleared back down to near-immeasurable amounts.

Human beings feel that they are energized or tired and want to sleep, which is regulated by these two physiological mechanisms! According to the current research by scientists, the two can be said to be independent of each other and not directly related to each other! But we can understand that when the circadian rhythm starts to activate the wakefulness signal, the concentration of Adenosine is very low, and we wake up from sleep and start a new day. But when the wakefulness signal in the circadian rhythm begins to drop, and Adenosine builds up to form a stress, it's time for us to rest and sleep!

It's really fun to know these little things! Come back another day to share what does drinking coffee affect? Does Melatonin Really Help Sleep? Also, why does staying up all night make you feel better?

While reading and organizing, I hope that the small notes can also help interested friends!

Photographer: Georgia Maciel , Link: Pexels


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AmyQHi, 我是AmyQ,一個來自台灣的活潑女孩。天生喜歡和人群接觸,卻走上一條需要時常獨自潛心修練的"科學家奇幻之旅"。曾旅居歐洲,目前繼續學習如何當一名專業且優秀的生物醫學研究人員。近期,腦筋急轉彎!想開啟人生新方向!期許在追逐自我實現的過程中,能傳遞愛與勇氣給這世界,感悟生命的奧義與美好!
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