The first obvious study, social fashion - how does "self-psychology/psychological counseling" work on the subject?

The process of psychological counseling is to make you a weak subject who is not even worthy of the disease. This hypothesis absolves you of the responsibility, at the same time, it means that you are not worthy of the disease, let alone bear the responsibility of the disease. It judges the human mind under its own logical framework, and makes people fall into a state of infatuation with the self to maintain the identity and stability of the self.

If it wants to make money, it must act on the subject, and if it wants to act on the subject, it must act as the Big Other. That is to say, he must think that he holds the truth and is a "sick pharmacist" (but this "thinking" is only valid for people who think they do not have the truth and think they are sick)

Self/cognitive/behavioral psychology is not only different from the philosophy of mind, but also different from psychology as a modern science. It can neither deal with the mind nor seriously misunderstand the mind. The description of the mental process can neither rely on experiments nor by examining language. to clarify. Because it is a completely closed (self-determined) set of hypotheses.

"Psychology deals with the psychological realm as physics deals with the physical realm." This is a hugely misleading analogy. The motion, force, electrical phenomena, etc. of objects are the objects of physics, but people's seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling, Will etc. are not in the same sense as objects of psychology. The process of psychological counseling is to turn your symptoms into physical things. From the perspective of treatment ethics, it only judges and interprets your mind within its own framework, and it is you who gives the right to judge. . But the only one who can judge his own mind is himself. When you surrender the only power you have and passively accept a set of hypotheses in order to maintain the stability of the ego, let the subject fall into a state of dialogue with the ego and fascination with the ego (it works).

This process is to make you a weak subject who is not even worthy of the disease. This set of hypotheses absolves you of the responsibility, at the same time, it means that you are not worthy of the disease, let alone bear the responsibility for the disease. In psychoanalytic terms, you are allowed (by the big Other you set up and empower) to display your castration, absurdity, and weakness, giving the other absolute power over you.

Psychology's so-called "healing" and "working", without touching real reality at any point, are completely imagined causes, misunderstandings and deviations of the ego and the mind. Therefore, psychology\psychological counseling is precisely the reason for your illness, and it cannot act as a spiritual mediator to find out the culprit of your mental crisis. The desire pattern constitutes various symptoms of the subject, and the cause of desire is always a kind of "wanting to control and win some things and feeling vague and confused about the standard of winning", so it is very hard to make anxiety, and it is easy to be anxious Contagion and commodification, so psychology can become today's first obvious science. Wittgenstein said, "The language of psychology is a kind of shock state similar to the gradual change from everyday language to medical language.


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